

My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.

declared, stated
real, true

She may never reveal her true intentions.

firm (esp. BrE)
honourable/honorable, noble
bad, evil

A text sometimes transcends authorial intention.


I have no intention of changing jobs.

announce, declare, state

The senator has announced his intention to run for the presidency.

The authority has announced its intention to crack down on illegal parking.

with a/the intention of

I went to the bank with the intention of getting some cash.

intention behind

The general intention behind the project is a good one.

intention by

The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.

intention in

His intention in inviting us to dinner was to persuade us to back his project.

the best intentions, good intentions

It was done with the best intentions, I assure you.

have every intention of doing sth, have no intention of doing sth

We have every intention of winning the next election.

make your intentions clear

He didn't make his intentions clear in his letter.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • intention — [ ɛ̃tɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1190; lat. intentio 1 ♦ Fait de se proposer un certain but. ⇒ dessein, idée, projet. Intention et action, et passage à l acte. ♢ Dr. Volonté consciente de commettre un fait prohibé par la loi. Commettre un acte avec l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Intention — • An act of the will by which that faculty efficaciously desires to reach an end by employing the means Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Intention     Intention      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • intention — INTENTION. s. f. Dessein, mouvement de l ame par lequel on tend, on vise à quelque fin. Bonne intention. mauvaise intention. droite, loüable intention. il a intention, l intention de faire quelque chose. mon intention n estoit pas de vous… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • intention — in·ten·tion /in ten chən/ n: something intended: intent the intention of the testator ◇ Intent is more commonly used than intention when speaking technically esp. about the criminal and tort concepts of intent (senses 1a and 1b). Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • Intention — In*ten tion, n. [F. intention, L. intentio. See {Intend}, and cf. {Intension}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness. [1913 Webster] Intention is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intention — intention, intent, purpose, design, aim, end, object, objective, goal are comparable when meaning what one proposes to accomplish or to attain by doing or making something, in distinction from what prompts one (the motive), or from the activity… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intention — is followed either by of + verbal noun or by a to infinitive, the first of these being somewhat more common and the second influenced by the verb intend: • I have no intention no present intention of standing for Parliament Harold Macmillan, 1979 …   Modern English usage

  • Intention — Sf Absicht, Bestreben per. Wortschatz fremd. Erkennbar fremd (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. intentio ( ōnis), einem Abstraktum zu l. intendere (intentum) hinwenden, anschicken, sein Streben auf etwas richten , zu l. tendere (tentum,… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • intention — [in ten′shən] n. [ME entencioun < OFr entencion < L intentio < pp. of intendere] 1. the act or fact of intending; determination to do a specified thing or act in a specified manner 2. a) anything intended or planned; aim, end, or purpose …   English World dictionary

  • Intention — (v. lat.), Absicht, Zweck; daher Intentioniren, beabsichtigen. Intentionalismus, Glaube, daß der Zweck (Intention) die Mittel heilige. Intentionalität, Absichtlichkeit …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Intention — (lat.), Absicht, Vorhaben, Zweck (nicht zu verwechseln mit Intension, s. d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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