
Ironclad is used with these nouns: ↑alibi, ↑guarantee, ↑warship

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Ironclad — I ron*clad , a. 1. having an outer covering of iron or steel; as, an ironclad war vessel. [PJC] 2. so strong or secure as to be unbreakable; as, an ironclad contract. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ironclad — bezeichnet eine Historienfilm aus dem Jahr 2011, siehe Ironclad (Film) eine bestimmte Art Kriegsschiff, siehe Panzerschiff die Besetzung Madagaskars durch die Briten im Jahre 1942, Operation Ironclad, siehe Schlacht um Madagaskar (1942) Die …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ironclad — I ron*clad , a. 1. Clad in iron; protected or covered with iron, as a vessel for naval warfare. [1913 Webster] 2. Rigorous; unbreakable; severe; exacting; inflexible; as, an ironclad oath or pledge. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ironclad — [ī′ərnklad΄] adj. 1. covered or protected with iron 2. difficult to change or break [an ironclad lease] n. a warship of the 19th cent. armored with thick iron plates …   English World dictionary

  • Ironclad — I ron*clad , n. A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined and made sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot. Modern naval vessels are made of steel… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ironclad — I adjective covered, defended, difficult to alter, difficult to break, difficult to change, exacting, firm, immutable, impossible to alter, impossible to break, impossible to change, inexorable, inflexible, ironbound, irreversible, irrevocable,… …   Law dictionary

  • ironclad — (adj.) 1852, of warships, American English, from IRON (Cf. iron) (n.) + CLAD (Cf. clad). Of contracts, etc., 1884. As a noun meaning iron clad ship, it is attested from 1862 …   Etymology dictionary

  • ironclad — [adj] fixed, rigid abiding, agreed, arranged, certain, changeless, confirmed, definite, determinate, enduring, firm, inflexible, in the bag*, planned, prearranged, settled, stated, stubborn, sure, unalterable, uncompromising, unwavering; concepts …   New thesaurus

  • Ironclad — La primera batalla entre ironclads: CSS Virginia (izquierda) contra el USS Monitor, en el año 1862 en la Batalla de Hampton Roads. Un ironclad o nave acorazada fue un tipo de buque de guerra propulsado por vapor de finales del siglo XIX, que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ironclad — adj. /uy euhrn klad /; n. /uy euhrn klad /, adj. 1. covered or cased with iron plates, as a ship for naval warfare; armor plated. 2. very rigid or exacting; inflexible; unbreakable: an ironclad contract. n. 3. a wooden warship of the middle or… …   Universalium

  • Ironclad — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ironclad ou Iron clad est une opération majeure (5 7 mai 1942) de la bataille de Madagascar (ou bataille de Diego Suarez, 5 mai au 8 novembre 1942).… …   Wikipédia en Français

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