
different, same, similar

She does the same kind of work as me.

all, another, any, some, various

You need some kind of cover over it to protect it from the rain.

We stock various kinds of lawnmower.

each, every
certain, distinct, exact, particular, special, specific

Certain kinds of food are unsuitable for small children.

best, good
bad, worst
right, wrong

Be sure to eat enough of the right kind of food.

This is the exact kind of thing I want.

common, normal, typical, usual

I'm a fairly normal kind of guy.

Prostate cancer is the most common kind of cancer in men.


the need for a new kind of leadership


Musicals were her favourite/favorite kind of movie.

funny, odd, peculiar, strange, weird
rare, unique

They played a truly unique kind of punk rock.

in kind

The regions differ in size, but not in kind.

of a kind

You're making progress of a kind (= some progress, but not very much, or not of the best type).

They're two of a kind (= very like each other)—both workaholics!

of … kind

books of every kind

music of different kinds

of its kind

The new school was the first of its kind.

kind of

a special kind of oil

a/the kind of thing

Do you know the kind of thing I mean?

They sell all kinds of things.

a … kind of way

I missed him, in a funny kind of way.

nothing of the kind

‘I was terrible!’ ‘You were nothing of the kind!’

nothing of that kind, something of that kind, something of the kind

‘He's resigning.’ ‘I'd suspected something of the kind.’


She was endlessly kind and sympathetic.

extremely, fairly, very, etc.
especially, genuinely, most, particularly

It really was most kind of you to help.


My boss has been extremely kind to me.

Kind is used with these nouns: ↑act, ↑deed, ↑face, ↑fate, ↑gesture, ↑gift, ↑heart, ↑invitation, ↑lady, ↑man, ↑manner, ↑offer, ↑person, ↑regard, ↑remark, ↑soul, ↑thought, ↑woman, ↑word

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • kind of — kind of, sort of 1. These expressions mean much the same, and share the same grammatical problems. (The issues raised here seem to occur less often in practice with the third alternative, type of.) There is less of a problem when kind of is… …   Modern English usage

  • Kind & Co. — Kind Co., Edelstahlwerk, KG Rechtsform KG Gründung 1888 Sitz Wiehl/ Bielstein Mitarbeiter 650 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • kind — Ⅰ. kind [1] ► NOUN 1) a class or type of people or things having similar characteristics. 2) character; nature. 3) each of the elements (bread and wine) of the Eucharist. ● in kind Cf. ↑in kind …   English terms dictionary

  • kind — [kīnd] n. [ME kynd < OE cynd, akin to Ger kind, child, ON kundr, son < IE * ĝṇti (> L natio, NATION) < base * ĝen : see GENUS] 1. Archaic a) origin b) nature c) manner; way …   English World dictionary

  • Kind — Kind, n. [OE. kinde, cunde, AS. cynd. See {Kind}, a.] 1. Nature; natural instinct or disposition. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] He knew by kind and by no other lore. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Some of you, on pure instinct of nature, Are led by kind t… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kind — (k[imac]nd), a. [Compar. {Kinder} (k[imac]nd [ e]r); superl. {Kindest}.] [AS. cynde, gecynde, natural, innate, prop. an old p. p. from the root of E. kin. See {Kin} kindred.] 1. Characteristic of the species; belonging to one s nature; natural;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kind — n 1: a particular type, category, or class properties of like kind see also like kind exchange 2 a: an unconverted form a partition of property in kind; broadly: a form other than money forbid a bribe in cash or in kind …   Law dictionary

  • Kind. — Kind.   Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch bezeichnet der Begriff Kind entweder, im engeren Sinn, den Nachkommen einer Person oder aber, im weiteren Sinn, den Menschen bis zum Eintritt ins Jugendalter. Der dabei durchlaufene Zeitraum, die Kindheit,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • kind — n *type, sort, stripe, kidney, ilk, description, nature, character kind adj Kind, kindly, benign, benignant mean having or exhibiting a nature that is gentle, considerate, and inclined to benevolent or beneficent actions and are comparable… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • kind — [kaɪnd] noun COMMERCE ( a) payment/​benefit in kind a method of paying someone by giving goods or services instead of money: • The company agreed that the loan should be settled by payment in kind. • A workplace nursery is not regarded as a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Kind — can mean:* The type of types in a type system in type theory * Natural kind, in philosophy a grouping of things which is a natural grouping, not an artificial one. * KIND is the ICAO designation for Indianapolis International Airport * Created… …   Wikipedia

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