Bend inward

  • 121incurvated — v. bend or curve inward adj. curved inward, bent, incurved …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 122incurvates — v. bend or curve inward adj. curved inward, bent, incurved …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 123incurvating — v. bend or curve inward adj. curved inward, bent, incurved …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 124inside — preposition /ɪnˈsaɪd / (say in suyd) 1. on the inner side of; within: inside the circle. 2. before the elapse of: inside an hour. –adverb /ɪnˈsaɪd / (say in suyd) 3. a. in or into the inner part: to go inside. b. Colloquial in or towards a more… …

  • 125incurvate — [in kʉr′vit, in kʉr′vāt΄; in′kərvit, in′kərvāt΄; ] for v. [ in kʉr′vāt΄, in′kərvāt΄] adj. [L incurvatus, pp. of incurvare: see INCURVE] bent or curving inward vt., vi. incurvated, incurvating to bend or curve inward incurvation n. incurvature [in …

    English World dictionary

  • 126introvert — [in′trə vʉrt΄; ] for v., also [ in΄trə vʉrt′] vt. [ModL introvertere < L intro , INTRO + vertere, to turn: see VERSE] 1. to direct (one s interest, mind, or attention) upon oneself; introspect 2. to bend (something) inward 3. Zool. to draw (a… …

    English World dictionary

  • 127in|cur|va|ture — «ihn KUR vuh chuhr», noun. a curving inward; inward curve or bend …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 128Sinuate — Sin u*ate, a. [L. sinuatus, p. p. of sinuare to wind, bend, fr. sinus a bend.] Having the margin alternately curved inward and outward; having rounded lobes separated by rounded sinuses; sinuous; wavy. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English