1The Definitive Guide to Managing the Numbers , Richard Stutely (2003)
Preparing for a budget meeting? Submitting a business forecast, or Q2 reforecast? Trying to improve your profitability or cash flow? In business, sooner or later the numbers come to us all. Master… 126 грн (только Украина)2Calendar Collections (2011)
Keeping a calendar has been a common way of tracking appointments, birthdays and special events. These days, calendars are available in electronic accessories such as mobile phones and watches, but… 5287 руб3Interpretation and Application of IPSAS , Caroline Aggestam-Pontoppidan
Clear, practical IPSAS guidance, explanation, and examples Interpretation and Application of IPSAS provides practical guidance on the implementation and application of the International Public Sector… 6177.33 руб электронная книга