
  • 1The Definitive Guide to Managing the Numbers , Richard Stutely (2003)
    Preparing for a budget meeting? Submitting a business forecast, or Q2 reforecast? Trying to improve your profitability or cash flow? In business, sooner or later the numbers come to us all. Master… 126 грн (только Украина)

  • 2Calendar Collections (2011)
    Keeping a calendar has been a common way of tracking appointments, birthdays and special events. These days, calendars are available in electronic accessories such as mobile phones and watches, but… 5287 руб

  • 3Interpretation and Application of IPSAS , Caroline Aggestam-Pontoppidan
    Clear, practical IPSAS guidance, explanation, and examples Interpretation and Application of IPSAS provides practical guidance on the implementation and application of the International Public Sector… 6177.33 руб электронная книга