1Source Book and Bibliographical Guide for American Church History , Mode Peter George (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 2011 руб2Parlons mode s'adresse&# 224; des&# 233;tudiants ayant acquis le niveau A1 du Cadre europ&# 233;en de r&# 233;f&# 233;rence pour les langues
Guide p?dagogique Le fran?ais de la mode... Parlons mode, m?thode de fran?ais Parlons mode, m&# 233;thode de fran&# 231;ais professionnel de la mode, s'adresse&# 224; des&# 233;tudiants grands… 1495 руб3Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures. Common Mode Filters for High Speed Digital Systems , Bruce Archambeault
An essential guide to the background, design, and application of common-mode filtering structures in modern high-speed differential communication links Written by a team of experts in the field… 9265.99 руб электронная книга4Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Parameter-Switching Hybrid Systems , Ligang Wu
In control theory, sliding mode control (SMC) is a nonlinear control method that alters the dynamics of a nonlinear system by application of a discontinuous control signal that forces the system to… 11964.9 руб электронная книга5Depeche Mode: kultusbändi lugu , Simon Spence (2012)
1980. aastal ei oleks keegi osanud ennustada, et nendest neljast siledate nägudega elektroonilist popmuusikat harrastavast poisikesest võiks mõne aastaga saada hiigelstaadionitel rahvast… 677.66 руб электронная книга6Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering , Ruey-Bing Hwang (Raybeam)
Provides readers an understanding of the basic physics underlying meta-materials, providing a powerful tool for analyzing their electromagnetic properties Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach… 12097.35 руб электронная книга7Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering , Ruey-Bing Hwang (Raybeam)
Provides readers an understanding of the basic physics underlying meta-materials, providing a powerful tool for analyzing their electromagnetic properties Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach… 11968.57 руб электронная книга8Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner , June Boon A.
Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner provides a concise, accessible manual of basic two-dimensional and m-mode echocardiography. Offers fast access to… 5405.16 руб электронная книга9Depeche Mode:Стив Малинс , Стив Малинс
Книга Depeche Mode: Music Legends&Idols–единственная в своем роде подлинная авторизированная биография группы Depeche Mode… 669 руб10Semiconductor Laser Engineering, Reliability and Diagnostics. A Practical Approach to High Power and Single Mode Devices , Peter Epperlein W.
This reference book provides a fully integrated novel approach to the development of high-power, single-transverse mode, edge-emitting diode lasers by addressing the complementary topics of device… 10848.59 руб электронная книга