
  • 71apprehensive — adj 1. uneasy, anxious, qualmish, fretful; worried, alarmed, concerned, solicitous; disturbed, distressed, disquieted; fearful, afraid, scared; suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful, uncertain; nervous, Sl. uptight, queasy, jittery, skittish,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 72bad — adj 1. virtueless, unrighteous, godless, impious, ungodly; immoral, amoral, nonmoral, unmoral, unprincipled, reprobate; corrupt, depraved, perverted, profligate, dissolute, libertine, abandoned, licentious; unscrupulous, dishonest, crooked,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 73compunctious — adj 1. remorseful, contrite, regretful, penitent, repentant, penitential; sorrowful, grieved, sad, mournful, doleful, rueful, sorry, apologetic; self reproaching, self reproving, self blaming, self accusing, self condemning, conscience stricken,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 74distrustful — adj mistrustful, doubtful, dubious, suspicious; skeptical, disbelieving, unbelieving, incredulous; watchful, wary, leery, chary, shy, hesitating, uncertain, not sure, wondering, questioning; qualmish, uneasy, nervous …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 75nauseated — adj 1. sick to one s stomach, unwell, unsteady, under the weather, Inf. blue or green around the gills, queasy; nauseous, Sl. barfy, qualmish, squeamish; seasick, carsick, airsick. 2. disgusted, revolted, repelled, with a bitter taste in one s… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 76queasy — adj 1. nauseous, nauseated, sick to one s stomach, sick, ill, indisposed; out of sorts, Sl. hung over, Inf. under the weather, qualmish, Inf. woozy, faint, dizzy. 2. nauseating, sickening, disgusting, revolting, repulsive, repellent, Sl. gross. 3 …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 77queer — adj 1. unconventional, uncommon, unusual, unique, unorthodox, uncustomary, unwonted, rare; atypical, original, singular, exceptional, individual; unexampled, unparalleled, unprecedented, unfamiliar, uncomfortable; odd, curious, peculiar, offbeat …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 78seasick — adj nauseous, nauseated, sick to or at one s stomach, vomitive, vomitous, Sl. barfy; queazy, qualmish, squeamish, Inf. green or blue around the gills; dizzy, light headed, vertiginous, faint, unsteady, Inf. woozy, Pathol. giddy; sick, ill, unwell …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 79sick — adj 1. ill, ailing, unwell, unhealthy, sickly, delicate; indisposed, laid up, bedridden, infirm, valetudinarian, confined, shut in; hurt, afflicted, injured, lame, disabled, crippled; not up to snuff, Inf. out of sorts, Inf. under the weather, on …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 80squeamish — adj 1. prudish, modest, overmodest, coy, demure, shy, reserved; prim, proper, priggish, old maidish, Inf., Derog. nunny. 2. dainty, delicate, finical, finicky, fussy, Inf. fuddy duddy, Inf. pernickety; particular, overparticular, picky, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder