To be added

  • 91Value added tax identification number — The Value added tax identification number (VATIN) is an identifier used in the European Union Value Added Tax for taxation purposes.The identifier starts with an ISO 3166 1 alpha 2 country code, except for Greece which uses the non standard… …


  • 92No value added — (NVA) is a management term loosely related to the Lean Manufacturing movement as codified in the 1980s by a landmark MIT study[1] of the automobile industry, which explained lean production for the first time. No Value Added programs can be… …


  • 93Value-Added Reseller — A firm that enhances the value of the products it resells by including complementary products or services, usually as part of a package deal. Value added resellers play a prominent role in the computer industry, and may provide additional… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 94shareholder value added — ( SVA) A financial performance metric that attempts to measure the benefit created for a firm s capital holders. It is expressed in dollar terms for a period not as a percentage return ratio. SVA is an adjusted value for after tax earnings, for a …

    Financial and business terms

  • 95value-added reseller — ➔ reseller * * * value added reseller UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION VAR) MARKETING, IT ► in computer sales, a company that buys products and adds value to them, by connecting them into systems for particular customers: »They sell accountancy… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 96Value-added network — VANs are public networks that add value to the basic communication provided by common carriers by offering specialized services such as access to commercial data bases,E mail and video conferencing. BSNL broadband is an example of a VAN. VANs… …


  • 97Value added selling — is one of several sales techniques that relies on building on the inherent value of a product or service. By its nature the value add technique is a more flexible and customized selling approach that requires input from a defined range of average …


  • 98Market Value Added — Der Market Value Added (MVA) oder auch Marktwertzuwachs[1] (MWZ) ist Differenz zwischen Marktwert (Börsenwert einer Aktiengesellschaft + Finanzschulden (Bankverbindlichkeiten, Hypotheken und Anleihen)) und Geschäftsvermögen (Anlagevermögen und… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 99Var (value-added reseller) — VAR, acronyme de l anglais Value added Reseller, désigne un revendeur (généralement informatique) à valeur ajoutée. Par valeur ajoutée, on entend le fait qu il exerce un métier de revente, mais aussi une activité de service. Ce document provient… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 100value-added — /val yooh ad id/, n. 1. something, as an item of equipment, that has been added to a product by a marketer or distributor to warrant a markup in the retail price. adj. 2. of, pertaining to, or supplying value added: software supplied by a value… …
