1Comprehension and Vocabulary: Workbook: Level 1 , Louis Fidge (2006)
"Macmillan English Explorers" have been written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. This… 649 руб2Comprehension and Vocabulary: How the Camel Got His Hump: Workbook , Louis Fidge (2010)
Macmillan English Explorers have been written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. The accompanying… 137.7 руб3Comprehension and Vocabulary: Workbook: Young Explorers: Level 2 , Louis Fidge (2006)
This accompanying Workbook for Young Explorers Level 2 develops reading comprehension skills, reinforces vocabulary, supports the teaching of phonics and provides opportunities for writing 158.7 руб4Comprehension Ecrite 2 , Sylvie Poisson-Quinton
Niveau interm&# 233;diaire Cet outil suit les recommandations du Cadre europ&# 233;en commun de r&# 233;f&# 233;rence pour l'enseignement de la langue pour d&# 233;velopper une comp&# 233;tence pr&#… 982 руб5Comprehension Skills, Level 3 (2013)
Provides structured and repeated practice of essential reading skills to help students develop the ability to comprehend what they read. Across grade levels, students are introduced to more skills… 405 руб6Comprehension Skills, Level 4 (2013)
Provides structured and repeated practice of essential reading skills to help students develop the ability to comprehend what they read. Across grade levels, students are introduced to more skills… 393 руб7Comprehension Skills, Level 5 , Linda Ward Beech (2013)
Provides structured and repeated practice of essential reading skills to help students develop the ability to comprehend what they read. Across grade levels, students are introduced to more skills… 405 руб8Comprehension Skills, Level 1 (Scholastic Study Smart) (2013)
Provides structured and repeated practice of essential reading skills to help students develop the ability to comprehend what they read. Across grade levels, students are introduced to more skills… 437 руб9Comprehension Book 1 , Д'Арси Адриан-Валлас,Льюис Лэнсфорд (2003)
От издателя:This series exposes students to a variety of text types and styles through a mixture of fiction and non-fiction reading passages 82 грн (только Украина)10Comprehension Ecrite, Niveau 2: Competences A2 , Сильви Пуассона-Куинтон (2003)
Cet ouvrage pratique, ciblé et varié, permet de travailler et de développer cette compétence au niveau A2 et en partie B1 du CECR. Il peut être utilisé en classe, en complément de manuels de… 353 грн (только Украина)