go or move backward

  • 51clupeiform — ▪ fish Introduction       any member of the superorder Clupeomorpha, a group of bony fishes (bony fish) with one living order, the Clupeiformes, that contains some of the world s most numerous and economically important fishes (fish). The order… …


  • 52movement perception — ▪ process Introduction       process through which humans and other animals orient themselves to their own or others physical movements. Most animals, including humans, move in search of food that itself often moves; they move to avoid predators… …


  • 53Eternal Champions — Infobox VG title = Eternal Champions developer = Sega Interactive publisher = Sega released = 1993 designer = Michael Latham genre = 2D Versus Fighting modes = Single player, Vs. Mode ratings = VRC: MA 13, ESRB: T platforms = Mega Drive/Genesis,… …


  • 54recede — I. intransitive verb (receded; receding) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin recedere to go back, from re + cedere to go Date: 15th century 1. a. to move back or away ; withdraw < a receding hairline > b …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 55seesaw — I. noun Etymology: probably from reduplication of 3saw Date: 1704 1. an alternating up and down or backward and forward motion or movement; also a contest or struggle in which now one side now the other has the lead 2. a. a pastime in which two&#8230; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 56Hezekiah — Infobox Monarch name = Hezekiah title = King of Judah reign = coronation = predecessor =Ahaz successor = Manasseh suc type = heir = consort = Hephzibah issue = Manasseh royal house = House of David royal anthem = father = mother = date of birth …


  • 57Augustan literature — is a style of English literature produced during the reigns of Queen Anne, King George I, and George II in the first half of the 18th century, ending in the 1740s with the deaths of Pope and Swift (1744 and 1745, respectively). It is a literary&#8230; …


  • 58retrograde — ret·ro·grade || retrəʊgreɪd v. retreat, move backward; repeat, reiterate, recapitulate; worsen, deteriorate adj. retreating, moving backward; moving in a direction opposite the usual direction; moving in a direction opposite to that of the&#8230; …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 59retrograded — ret·ro·grade || retrəʊgreɪd v. retreat, move backward; repeat, reiterate, recapitulate; worsen, deteriorate adj. retreating, moving backward; moving in a direction opposite the usual direction; moving in a direction opposite to that of the&#8230; …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 60retrogrades — ret·ro·grade || retrəʊgreɪd v. retreat, move backward; repeat, reiterate, recapitulate; worsen, deteriorate adj. retreating, moving backward; moving in a direction opposite the usual direction; moving in a direction opposite to that of the&#8230; …

    English contemporary dictionary