hint at indirectly

  • 1hint — [hint] n. [prob. var. of HENT] 1. a slight indication of a fact, wish, etc.; indirect suggestion or piece of advice; intimation; covert allusion [a hint that we should leave] 2. a very small amount or degree; trace [a hint of spice] 3. Obs. an… …

    English World dictionary

  • 2Hint — Hint, v. i. To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something. [1913 Webster] We whisper, and hint, and chuckle. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] {To hint at}, to allude to lightly, indirectly, or cautiously. Syn: To… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 3hint — ► NOUN 1) a slight or indirect indication. 2) a very small trace. 3) a small piece of practical information. ► VERB 1) indicate indirectly. 2) (hint at) be a slight indication of …

    English terms dictionary

  • 4hint — hinter, n. /hint/, n. 1. an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue: Give me a hint as to his identity. 2. a very slight or hardly noticeable amount; soupçon: a hint of garlic in the salad dressing. 3. perceived indication or suggestion;… …


  • 5hint — [[t]hɪnt[/t]] n. 1) an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue 2) a very slight or hardly noticeable amount: a hint of garlic in the salad dressing[/ex] 3) a perceived indication; intimation: a hint of spring in the air[/ex] 4) Obs. an… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 6hint — [[t]hɪ̱nt[/t]] ♦♦♦ hints, hinting, hinted 1) N COUNT: oft N that A hint is a suggestion about something that is made in an indirect way. The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers …

    English dictionary

  • 7hint*/ — [hɪnt] noun I 1) [C] something that you say in order to show what you are thinking or feeling, without saying it directly She hoped he would take the hint and leave her alone.[/ex] Sam keeps dropping hints about what he wants for his… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 8hint — Synonyms and related words: admonishment, admonition, adumbrate, adumbration, advert, advice, aide memoire, alarm, allegorize, allegory, allude, allude to, allusion, angle, arcane meaning, argue, assistance, assume, assumption, augur, bare… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 9hint — I. noun Etymology: probably alteration of obsolete hent act of seizing, from hent, verb Date: 1604 1. archaic opportunity, turn 2. a. a statement conveying by implication what it is preferred not to say explicitly b. an indirect or summary… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 10hint — n. & v. n. 1 a slight or indirect indication or suggestion (took the hint and left). 2 a small piece of practical information (handy hints on cooking). 3 a very small trace; a suggestion (a hint of perfume). v.tr. (often foll. by that + clause)… …

    Useful english dictionary