in preference

  • 61preference stock — noun Britain : preferred stock * * * Brit. See preferred stock. [1855 60] * * * preference shares, preference stock, preferential shares or preferential stock plural noun Shares or stock on which d …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 62preference — /pref euhr euhns, pref reuhns/, n. 1. the act of preferring. 2. the state of being preferred. 3. that which is preferred; choice: His preference is vanilla, not chocolate. 4. a practical advantage given to one over others. 5. a prior right or… …


  • 63Preference Shares — Company stock with dividends that are paid to shareholders before common stock dividends are paid out. In the event of a company bankruptcy, preferred stock shareholders have a right to be paid company assets first. Preference shares typically… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 64Preference stock — A security that ranks junior to preferred stock but senior to common stock in the right to receive payments from the firm; essentially junior preferred stock. * * * preference stock preference stock ➔ stock1 * * * preference stock UK US noun [C]… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 65preference period — A legal term used in bankruptcy to describe a transaction deemed to have occurred under circumstances favorable to the creditor that benefited from the transaction. This provision is intended to protect unsecured creditors. Under the U.S.… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 66preference stock — A security that ranks junior to preferred stock but senior to common stock in the right to receive payments from the firm; essentially junior preferred stock. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * preference stock preference stock ➔ stock1 * * *… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 67preference dividend — A dividend payable to the holders of preference shares. Preference dividends not paid in previous periods will only be due to the holders of cumulative preference shares …

    Accounting dictionary

  • 68preference share — A share in a company that is entitled to a fixed percentage dividend rather than a variable dividend; for example, a 6% preference share pays a dividend of 6% per annum. If the company goes into liquidation, the preference shares are paid out… …

    Accounting dictionary

  • 69preference share capital — Share capital consisting of preference shares. Under Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 4, Capital Instruments, preference share capital was classified as non equity share capital. However, FRS 4 has now been replaced by FRS 25 (International… …

    Accounting dictionary

  • 70preference dividend — A dividend payable to the holders of preference shares Preference dividends not paid in previous periods will only be due to the holders of cumulative preference shares …

    Big dictionary of business and management