not rarely
1not only — not only/just/merely/simply phrase used for emphasizing that, although something is true, something else is also true or is more important Our apartment is not only centrally located, it’s near a park too. We need to talk about these problems …
2rarely, rarely ever — Rarely means seldom, infrequently, not often : She rarely goes to the movies. The phrase rarely ever is wordy, unidiomatic, and illogical. Instead of saying She rarely ever sings, say She rarely sings or She hardly ever sings or She sings rarely …
3rarely — rarely, seldom It is acceptable to say rarely if ever or seldom if ever but not (except informally) rarely ever or seldom ever: We rarely if ever go out / ☒ We rarely ever go out. In the second example, hardly ever or scarcely ever could be… …
4Rarely — Rare ly (r[^a]r l[y^]), adv. 1. In a rare manner or degree; seldom; not often; as, things rarely seen. [1913 Webster] 2. Finely; excellently; with rare skill. See 3d {Rare}, 2. [1913 Webster] The person who played so rarely on the flageolet. Sir… …
5Not the Nine O'Clock News — DVD cover. Left to right: Mel Smith, Pamela Stephenson, Rowan Atkinson and Griff Rhys Jones. Format Sketch comedy Starring …
6rarely — [adv] not often; exceptionally almost never, barely, extra, extraordinarily, extremely, finely, hardly, hardly ever, infrequently, little, notably, now and then, once in a while, once in blue moon*, on rare occasions, remarkably, scarcely ever,… …
7rarely — ► ADVERB ▪ not often; seldom …
8rarely — rare|ly W2 [ˈreəli US ˈrerli] adv not often ≠ ↑frequently ▪ She very rarely complains. ▪ This method is rarely used in modern laboratories. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ WORD CHOICE: rarely, seldom, hardly, scarcely Rarely and seldom both mean not often . Seldom is… …
9rarely — [[t]re͟ə(r)li[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV BRD NEG: ADV before v, ADV with cl/group If something rarely happens, it does not happen very often. They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites... I very rarely wear a raincoat because I …
10rarely — adverb /reəli/ a) Not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often. We rarely go to the theatre. b) In a rare manner or degree …