not very bad
1Very Truly Sexy , Dawn Atkins
Being out of circulation is not the end of the world–it is, however, the kiss of death when you're an aspiring sex columnist. For Beth Samuels, who's not used to letting down her hair, turning the… 304.76 руб электронная книга2Nina is Not OK , Khorsandi S. (2017)
Nina does not have a drinking problem. She likes a drink, sure. But what 17-year-old doesn’t? Nina’s mum isn’t so sure. But she’s busy with her new husband and five year old Katie. And… 550 руб3The Guide to Getting Paid. Weed Out Bad Paying Customers, Collect on Past Due Balances, and Avoid Bad Debt , Michelle Dunn
Give your business a successful credit and collections plan with this easy and clear guide Over 100,000 businesses have slow or non-paying customers. Yet very few actually have a workable plan for… 1622.74 руб электронная книга4The Adulterants , Dunthorne Joe (2019)
From the wickedly funny author of Submarine comes a hilarious new tragicomedy a screwball tale of millennial angst, pre-midlife crises and one man's valiant quest to come of age in his thirties… 847 руб5The Essential Retirement Guide. A Contrarian's Perspective , Frederick Vettese
Retirement planning is difficult enough without having to contend with misinformation. Unfortunately, much of the advice that is dispensed is either unsubstantiated or betrays a strong vested… 1752.81 руб электронная книга6I Shall Wear Midnight , Terry Pratchett (2014)
A man with no eyes. No eyes at all. Two tunnels in his head . . . It`s not easy being a witch, and it`s certainly not all whizzing about on broomsticks, but Tiffany Aching - teen witch - is doing her… 715 грн (только Украина)7I Shall Wear Midnight , Terry Pratchett (2017)
A man with no eyes. No eyes at all. Two tunnels in his head... It's not easy being a witch, and it's certainly not all whizzing about on broomsticks, but Tiffany Aching - teen witch - is doing her… 1153 руб8I Shall Wear Midnight , Pratchett Terry (2018)
A man with no eyes. No eyes at all. Two tunnels in his head . . . It's not easy being a witch, and it's certainly not all whizzing about on broomsticks, but Tiffany Aching - teen witch - is doing her… 667 руб9A Chair On The Boulevard , Leonard Merrick (1891)
""And why should I be put to the trouble twice?""grumbled the other.""Do you figure yourself that it is agreeable to hang? I passed a very bad time, I can assure you. If you had experienced it, you… 1317 руб10Breakfast at Tiffany&# 039;s , Трумен Капоте (2011)
От издателя:&# 039;What I&# 039;ve found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany&# 039;s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it… 298 грн (только Украина)