peculiar expression

  • 1peculiar expression — index phrase Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2expression — Synonyms and related words: Christophany, Parthian shot, Satanophany, accent, adage, address, adjectival phrase, affirmation, air, airing, allegation, ana, analects, angelophany, announcement, answer, antonym, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 3Peculiar institution — (Our) peculiar institution was a euphemism for slavery and the economic ramifications of it in the American South. The meaning of peculiar in this expression is one s own , that is, referring to something distinctive to or characteristic of a… …


  • 4peculiar — /pəˈkjuliə / (say puh kyoohleeuh), / ljə/ (say lyuh) adjective 1. strange, odd, or queer: a peculiar old man. 2. uncommon; unusual: a peculiar hobby. 3. distinguished in nature or character from others. 4. belonging exclusively to a person or… …

  • 5peculiar — peculiarly, adv. /pi kyoohl yeuhr/, adj. 1. strange; queer; odd: peculiar happenings. 2. uncommon; unusual: the peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats. 3. distinctive in nature or character from others. 4. belonging characteristically… …


  • 6peculiar — pe•cu•liar [[t]pɪˈkyul yər[/t]] adj. 1) strange; queer; odd 2) uncommon; unusual 3) distinctive in nature or character from others 4) belonging characteristically or exclusively to some person, group, or thing (often fol. by to): an expression… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 7peculiar benefits — An expression of the law of eminent domain for benefits from an improvement to property of the condemnee by reason of the direct relationship of the property to the improvement. 27 Am J2d Em D § 368 …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 8Military expression — is an area of military law pertaining to the United States military that relates to the free speech rights of its service members.[1][2][3][Full citation needed] Contents …


  • 9idiomatic expression — saying peculiar to a particular language or to a particular group …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 10HEBREW LITERATURE, MODERN — definition and scope beginnings periodization …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism