remission of sin

  • 71baptismal regeneration — noun : the theological doctrine that regeneration is effected in and through Christian baptism * * * Theol. the doctrine that regeneration and sanctification are received in and through baptism. [1645 55] * * * baptismal regeneration noun The… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 72Indulgence — Remission from punishment for a sin after it has been forgiven. In medieval times the selling of indulgences, sometimes even in advance of a sin being committed, brought parts of the Church into serious disrepute. Granting forgiveness from sins,… …

    Medieval glossary

  • 73INDULGENCE —    remission by Church authority of the guilt of a sin on the penitent confession of the sinner to a priest, which, according to Roman Catholic theology, the Church is enabled to dispense out of the inexhaustible treasury in reserve of the merits …

    The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • 74Baptism — • One of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church; frequently called the first sacrament , the door of the sacraments , and the door of the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Baptism     Baptism …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 75Indulgences — • A remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has been forgiven Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Indulgences     Indulgences      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 76Indulgence — An indulgence, in Roman Catholic theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. The indulgence is granted by the church after the sinner has confessed and received absolution. [… …


  • 77Sacrifice of the Mass — • The word Mass (missa) first established itself as the general designation for the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the West after the time of Pope Gregory the Great, the early Church having used the expression the breaking of bread (fractio panis) or… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 78Leucemia mieloide aguda — Células leucémicas …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 79indulgence — /in dul jeuhns/, n., v., indulgenced, indulgencing. n. 1. the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire. 2. the state of being indulgent. 3. indulgent allowance or tolerance. 4. a catering to someone s mood or whim; humoring: The sick …


  • 80Prayers for the Dead — • Catholic teaching regarding prayers for the dead is bound up inseparably with the doctrine of purgatory and the more general doctrine of the communion of the saints, which is an article of the Apostle s Creed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …

    Catholic encyclopedia