1Scrivener For Dummies , Gwen Hernandez
No matter what you want to write, Scrivener makes it easier. Whether you’re a planner, a seat-of-the-pants writer, or something in between, Scrivener provides tools for every stage of the writing… 1625.34 руб электронная книга2Scrivener’s Tale , Fiona McIntosh
856.42 руб электронная книга3Straightforward. Intermediate. Teacher's Book. + 2 CD (+ CD-ROM) , Scrivener J. (2006)
Features a general English course based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. This teacher's book contains teaching notes, methodology builders, photocopiable activities, editable… 3780 руб4Straightforward Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Book Pack , Scrivener J. (2005)
•Extensive teaching notes and extra ideas for every lesson. •Detailed notes on the language and cultural content of the Student's Book material.•Regular'Methodology Builders'offer immediately… 3780 руб5Straightforward. Intermediate. Teacher`s Book. + 2 CD (+ CD-ROM) , Scrivener J. (2006)
Features a general English course based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. This teacher`s book contains teaching notes, methodology builders, photocopiable activities, editable… 4890 грн (только Украина)6Straightforward. Pre-intermediate Level: Teacher's Book Pack (+ CD-ROM) , Scrivener Jim (2012)
The Straightforward Teacher's Book is one of the best around. Written by Jim Scrivener there are extensive teaching notes and extra tasks and ideas for every lesson plus more detailed notes on the… 3884 руб7Visual Grammar. Student's Book Pack without Answer Key , Scrivener Jim (2013)
Visual Grammar is a brand-new grammar book with a difference. Written by the highly respected author and trainer Jim Scrivener, this new material gets young adult and adult students to take the… 1213 руб8Visual Grammar. Student's Book Pack with Answer Key , Scrivener Jim (2013)
Visual Grammar is a brand-new grammar book with a difference. Written by the highly respected author and trainer Jim Scrivener, this new material gets young adult and adult students to take the… 1213 руб9Classroom Management Techniques , Scrivener Jim (2012)
A complete and essential activity-based guide to ELT classroom management. Classroom Management Techniques offers a huge range of practical techniques to help teachers make the most of their teaching… 2142 руб10Visual Grammar B1 SB + Access Code , Scrivener Jim
A Visual Grammar aborda a gram&# 225;tica de forma diferenciada - por meio da visualiza&# 231;&# 227;o de como cada ponto gramatical funciona, antes de pratic&# 225;-lo. O material conta ainda com um… 1213 руб