shoot out
1shoot-out — shoot outs 1) N COUNT A shoot out is a fight in which people shoot at each other with guns. Three IRA men were killed in the shoot out. ...a bloody shoot out between rival gangs that killed 18 people. 2) N COUNT In games such as soccer, a shoot… …
2Shoot-out — auch: Shoot|out 〈[ʃu:taʊt] n. 15 oder m. 6〉 1. 〈Sp.〉 Spielentscheidung eines unentschieden beendeten Wettkampfes durch zusätzliches Toreschießen, z. B. beim Penalty u. Elfmeterschießen 2. 〈bes. Film; TV〉 abschließende Schießerei, entscheidender… …
3shoot-out — n a fight using guns ▪ Two people were killed tonight in a shoot out with police. →↑penalty shoot out …
4Shoot-out — 〈[ʃu:taʊt] n. od. m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 1. 〈Sport〉 Spielentscheidung eines unentschieden beendeten Wettkampfes durch zusätzliches Toreschießen, z. B. beim Penalty u. Elfmeterschießen; ein durch Shoot out erzielter Finalsieg 2. 〈bes. Film; TV〉… …
5shoot-out — shoot ,out noun count 1. ) a fight using guns 2. ) a PENALTY SHOOT OUT …
6shoot-out — ► NOUN 1) informal a decisive gun battle. 2) Soccer a tie breaker decided by each side taking a specified number of penalty kicks …
7shoot-out — 1. n. a gunfight. □ There was a big shoot out at the end of the movie. □ In this shoot out, there were no survivors not even a horse! 2. n. an argument. □ When the shoot out was over, the boss confident she had won went back into her office …
8shoot-out — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms shoot out : singular shoot out plural shoot outs 1) a fight using guns 2) a penalty shoot out …
9shoot-out — I. (sports) taking shots at each goal to determine the winner Sweden won the gold medal by defeating Canada in a shoot out. II. a gunbattle, a duel Two men died in the shoot out: one cop and one robber …
10shoot-out — noun Date: 1948 1. a battle fought with handguns or rifles 2. something resembling a shoot out; broadly showdown 3. a shooting competition in overtime that is used to determine the winner of a game (as in soccer or hockey) tied at the end of… …