
  • 41Essays Of Travel , Robert Louis Stevenson (1891)
    We have come here for the river. And no sooner have we all bathed than we board the two shallops and push off gaily, and go gliding under the treesand gathering a great treasure of water-lilies. Some… 1310 руб

  • 42Salthaven , W. W. Jacobs (1908)
    1908. Jacobs is known especially for his sea stories. His familiarity with the wharves and the people who frequented them gave him material for these stories. He is also known for some of his short… 1314 руб

  • 43To Have and To Hold , Mary Johnston (1900)
    1900. Johnston, an American novelist, wrote books that combine romance with history. She is chiefly remembered for To Have and to Hold, a story of colonial Virginia, and its successor, Audrey. The… 1317 руб

  • 44Macbeth , William Shakespeare (2010)
    Shakespeare's Scottish story of witchcraft and murder is probably one of his darkest works. Macbeth's bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Like her husband, Lady Macbeth's… 688 руб

  • 45Macbeth (+ Audio CD) , William Shakespeare (2010)
    Shakespeare's Scottish story of witchcraft and murder is probably one of his darkest works. Macbeth's bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Like her husband, Lady Macbeth's… 948 руб

  • 46Dreams of Steel (Chronicles of the Black Company 5) , Glen Cook (1997)
    Croaker has fallen and, following the Company's disastrous defeat at Dejagore, Lady is one of the few survivors--determined to avenge the Company and herself against the Shadowmasters, no matter what… 485 руб

  • 47Forest of Hands&Teeth Ome , Carrie Ryan (2010)
    In Mary's world there are simple truths. The Sisterhood always knows best. The Guardians will protect and serve. The Unconsecrated will never relent. And you must always mind the fence that surrounds… 668 руб

  • 48A Thousand Suns , Alex Scarrow (2009)
    It's early April of 1945. The Nazi regime is being slowly throttled by the oncoming Russian and Allied armies and Hitler rages uselessly in his Berlin bunker. But the high command have one more throw… 709 руб

  • 49The End of the Affair , Graham Greene (2004)
    The love affair between Maurice Bendix and Sarah, flourishing in the turbulent times of the London Blitz, ends when she suddenly and without explanation breaks it off. After a chance meeting… 414 руб

  • 50His Illegal Self , Peter Carey (2008)
    Che is raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, precocious son of radical Harvard students in the sixties. Yearning for his famous outlaw parents, denied all access to television and… 662 руб