violent passion
1violent — Violent, [viol]ente. adject. Impetueux, qui agit avec force, avec impetuosité. Remede violent. vent violent. tempeste violente. mouvement violent. Il se dit aussi, d une douleur grande & aiguë. Fiévre violente. mal violent. douleur violente. On… …
2PASSION — On note avec étonnement la quasi disparition du terme passion dans le vocabulaire de la psychologie contemporaine, qui utilise bien plus volontiers les concepts de tendance, d’affect ou de pulsion. La notion ne figure même pas à l’index de… …
3passion — n 1 suffering, agony, dolor, *distress, misery Analogous words: *trial, tribulation, cross, visitation, affliction 2 *feeling, emotion, affection, sentiment Analogous words: inspiration, frenzy: *ecstasy, raptur …
4passion — pas·sion / pa shən/ n: intense, driving, or overpowering feeling or emotion; esp: any violent or intense emotion that prevents reflection see also heat of passion Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …
5violent — violent, ente [ vjɔlɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1213; lat. violentus 1 ♦ Impétueux; qui agit ou s exprime sans aucune retenue. ⇒ brusque, coléreux. « Les hommes ont été de tout temps [...] égoïstes, violents » (France). Une femme violente. « Il s est montré …
6Violent — Vi o*lent, a. [F., from L. violentus, from vis strength, force; probably akin to Gr. ? a muscle, strength.] 1. Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible; vehement;… …
7Violent presumption — Violent Vi o*lent, a. [F., from L. violentus, from vis strength, force; probably akin to Gr. ? a muscle, strength.] 1. Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible;… …
8Violent profits — Violent Vi o*lent, a. [F., from L. violentus, from vis strength, force; probably akin to Gr. ? a muscle, strength.] 1. Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible;… …
9violent anger — index passion Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
10passion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ grand, great ▪ She didn t believe in grand passion or love at first sight. ▪ She was his first great passion. ▪ a woman of great passion ▪ …