vouch for

  • 91certify — Synonyms and related words: OK, accept, accredit, acknowledge, affirm, allege, amen, and candle, approve, ascertain, assert, assert under oath, asseverate, assure, attest, authenticate, authorize, autograph, aver, avouch, avow, back, back up, be… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 92Public Key Infrastructure —    A proposal to provide a structure for verifying and authenticating users involved in transactions on the Internet or on corporate intranets and extranets.    The proposal involves a set of trusted certificate authorities (CAs) who would… …

    Dictionary of networking

  • 93assure — as·sure vt as·sured, as·sur·ing 1 chiefly Brit: insure 2 a: to inform positively the seller assured the buyer of his honesty b: to provide a guarantee of …

    Law dictionary

  • 94confirm — con·firm vt 1 a: to make valid by necessary formal approval the debtor s chapter 13 plan confirm ed by the court b: to vote approval of confirm a nomination 2: to give formal acknowledgment of receipt of 3 …

    Law dictionary

  • 95avouch — avoucher, n. avouchment, n. /euh vowch /, v.t. 1. to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness. 2. to assume responsibility for; vouch for; guarantee. 3. to admit; confess. [1350 1400; ME avouchen < MF&#8230; …


  • 96certify — certifier, n. /serr teuh fuy /, v., certified, certifying. v.t. 1. to attest as certain; give reliable information of; confirm: He certified the truth of his claim. 2. to testify to or vouch for in writing: The medical examiner will certify his&#8230; …


  • 97attest — at·test /ə test/ vb [Latin attestari, from ad to + testari to call to witness, from testis witness] vt: to bear witness to: affirm to be true or genuine; specif: to authenticate (as a will) by signing as a witness vi: to bear witness: testify&#8230; …

    Law dictionary

  • 98authenticity — n. 1) to establish, prove, vouch for the authenticity of smt. 2) to doubt, question the authenticity of smt. * * * [ˌɔːθen tɪsɪtɪ] prove question the authenticity of smt. vouch for the authenticity of smt. to doubt to establish …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 99corroborate — cor·rob·o·rate /kə rä bə ˌrāt/ vt rat·ed, rat·ing [Latin corroboratus, past participle of corroborare to strengthen, from com , prefix marking completion + robur strength, literally, oak tree]: to support with evidence or authority: strengthen or …

    Law dictionary

  • 100affirm — v 1. state positively, assert, tell with confidence, aver, vouch, avouch; declare, proclaim, make known, enunciate, promulgate, profess, predicate, say, announce, pronounce; asseverate, depose, witness, bear witness to, attest, testify; claim,&#8230; …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder