1Live It Up Without Outliving Your Money!. Getting the Most From Your Investments in Retirement , Paul Merriman
Completely expanded and updated, Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money! Second Edition is the financial roadmap that people are looking for. Based on the author's experience in the financial… 1622.74 руб электронная книга2Written in My Own Heart's Blood , Diana Gabaldon (2014)
It is June 1778, and the world seems to be turning upside-down. The British Army is withdrawing from Philadelphia, with George Washington in pursuit, and for the first time, it looks as if the rebels… 1820 руб3Written in My Own Heart's Blood , Diana Gabaldon (2015)
It is June 1778, and the world seems to be turning upside-down. The British Army is withdrawing from Philadelphia, with George Washington in pursuit, and for the first time, it looks as if the rebels… 1270 руб4A Question of Belief , Donna Leon (2011)
As Venice experiences a debilitating heatwave, Commissario Brunetti escapes the city to spend time with his family. For Ispettore Vianello, however, the weather is the last thing on his mind. It… 751 руб5Ethics in Health Services and Policy. A Global Approach , Dean Harris M.
This comprehensive textbook analyzes the ethical issues of health and health care in global perspective. Ideal for students of public health, medicine, nursing and allied health professions, public… 6634.03 руб электронная книга6ABC of Medical Law , Lorraine Corfield
An understanding of medical law is increasingly important for all health professionals and this new ABC provides a basic introduction to the legal issues faced in health care that is accessible to… 3548.01 руб электронная книга7If I Die Before I Wake , Koch Emily (2019)
HOW DO YOU SOLVE YOUR OWN MURDER? Everyone believes Alex is in a coma, unlikely to ever wake up. As his family debate withdrawing life support, and his friends talk about how his girlfriend Bea needs… 847 руб