worthy of veneration

  • 1Veneration of Images —     Veneration of Images     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Veneration of Images     I. IMAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT     The First Commandment would seem absolutely to forbid the making of any kind of representation of men, animals, or even plants:… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 2Veneration of the dead — Ancestor worship at a Chinese temple complex in Sichuan A Korean …


  • 3canonization — See canonize. * * * Official act of a Christian church declaring a deceased member worthy of veneration and entering his or her name in the canon (authorized list) of saints. The cult of local martyrs was widespread in the early church, and by… …


  • 4Saint — 1347 80, Italian ascetic and mystic. died A.D. 731, pope 715 731. died A.D. 741, pope 731 741. died A.D. 352, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 337 352. died A.D. 683, Sicilian ecclesiastic: pope 682 683. died A.D. 855, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 847… …


  • 5saint — saintless, adj. /saynt/, n. 1. any of certain persons of exceptional holiness of life, formally recognized as such by the Christian Church, esp. by canonization. 2. a person of great holiness, virtue, or benevolence. 3. a founder, sponsor, or… …


  • 6relic — reliclike, adj. /rel ik/, n. 1. a surviving memorial of something past. 2. an object having interest by reason of its age or its association with the past: a museum of historic relics. 3. a surviving trace of something: a custom that is a relic… …


  • 7Yazata — is the Avestan language word for a Zoroastrian concept. The word has a wide range of meaning but generally signifies (or is an epithet of) a divinity. The term literally means worthy of worship harvnb|Boyce|2001|p=xxi.] or worthy of veneration.… …


  • 8Dragon boat — This article is about Dragon boats and racing. For the festivals and holidays associated with dragon boats, see Duanwu Festival. Dragon boat Traditional Chinese 龍舟 Simplified Chinese 龙舟 …


  • 9Christianization of Scandinavia — History of Scandinavia Stone Age Bronze Age Pre Roman Iron Age Roman Iron Age Germanic Iron Age Barbarian Invasions Viking Age Christianization Kalmar Union …


  • 10Saman (deity) — Saman or Sumana or Samantha or Sumana Saman (Sumana Saman deviyo සුමන සමන් ‍දෙවි in Sinhala) is a deity, subject to local and indigenous belief and worship in Sri Lanka. Saman means the rising morning sun . His character is of historical… …
