1grass-covered — adjective covered with grass wide grass covered plains as far as the eye could see • Similar to: ↑grassy …
2grass-covered — covered with grass …
3grass — n. & v. n. 1 a vegetation belonging to a group of small plants with green blades that are eaten by cattle, horses, sheep, etc. b any species of this. c any plant of the family Gramineae, which includes cereals, reeds, and bamboos. 2 pasture land …
4Grass — n. & v. n. 1 a vegetation belonging to a group of small plants with green blades that are eaten by cattle, horses, sheep, etc. b any species of this. c any plant of the family Gramineae, which includes cereals, reeds, and bamboos. 2 pasture land …
5grass — grassless, adj. grasslike, adj. grassward, grasswards, adv. adj. /gras, grahs/, n. 1. any plant of the family Gramineae, having jointed stems, sheathing leaves, and seedlike grains. Cf. grass family. 2. such plants collectively, as when… …
6grass court — noun : a lawn tennis court with a playing surface of turf compare hard court * * * an outdoor tennis court having a grass surface. Cf. clay court, hard court. [1880 85] * * * grass court noun A grass covered tennis court • • • Main Entry: ↑grass… …
7grass — [[t]græs, grɑs[/t]] n. 1) pln any of various plants that have jointed stems and bladelike leaves and are cultivated for lawns, used as pasture, or cut for hay 2) pln such plants collectively 3) pln any of numerous related plants 4) grass covered… …
8grass — I. /gras / (say grahs) noun 1. any plant of the family Gramineae (or Poaceae), characterised by jointed stems, sheathing leaves, flower spikelets, and fruit consisting of a seedlike grain or caryopsis (true grasses). 2. herbage in general, or the …
9grass ski — noun each of a pair of devices resembling caterpillar tracks, worn on the feet for going down grass covered slopes as if on skis. Derivatives grass skiing noun …
10grass ski — n. each of a pair of short skis with rollers on the bottom, for going down grass covered slopes Derivatives: grass skiing n …