1certificates — index credentials Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2Certificates of Deposit — [sə tɪfɪkɪts əv dɪ pɔzɪt], Abkürzung CD, Einlagenzertifikate, ursprünglich in den USA und am Londoner Geldmarkt von Banken ausgegebene Papiere, auf denen der Erhalt eines bestimmten Betrages als Einlage für einen bestimmten Zeitraum bestätigt… …
3Certificates of Deposits — Geldmarktpapiere (auch Liquiditätstitel) sind spezielle Wertpapiere, in aller Regel abgezinste Schuldverschreibungen, die zur Beschaffung kurzfristiger Gelder ausgegeben (emittiert) werden. Damit sind sie ein Bereich des Geldmarktes. Der… …
4certificates — cer·tif·i·cate || sÉ™ tɪfɪkÉ™t n. official document (birth certificate, license, etc.) v. confirm; authorize by certificate, license …
5Equipment trust certificates — Certificates issued by a trust that was formed to purchase an asset and lease it to a lessee. When the last of the certificates has been repaid, title of ownership of the asset reverts to the lessee. The New York Times Financial Glossary …
6voting trust certificates — Certificates issued by voting trustees to the beneficial holders of shares held by the voting trust. Such certificates may be as readily transferable as the underlying shares, carrying with them all the incidents of ownership of the underlying… …
7grading certificates — Certificates that verify the quality of a commodity. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary …
8silver certificates — Certificates issued by the United States Government to circulate as money and secured by silver in the treasury …
9Certificates Of Accrual On Treasury Securities - CATS — Issued by the U.S. Treasury and stripped by a financial intermediary, these products are sold at a significant discount from face value and pay no interest during their lifetime. However, they return full face value and cannot be called away.… …
10certificates of amortized revolving debt — ( CARD) pass through securities backed by credit card receivables. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …