
1 sth that must not be known by others
big, great
closely guarded, well-kept

a charming museum that is one of the city's best-kept secrets (= that not many people know about)

deep (esp. AmE), hidden, inner, innermost, intimate

That evening she had revealed many of her innermost secrets.


Their affair is an open secret.

dark, dirty, guilty, shameful, terrible
family, military, nuclear, official, state, trade
guard, keep

Can you keep a secret?


Uncle Charlie hides a dark secret.

betray, divulge, give away
let sb in on, let sb into (BrE), reveal, share, tell sb

She let us into her secretshe was engaged.

discover, find out, learn, uncover, unlock

Their relationship remained a secret.

be out, come out, get out

How did the secret get out?

in secret

The stars were married in secret to avoid publicity.

secret about

There was some secret about the source of his wealth.

secret from

I have no secrets from you.

make no secret of the fact that , not make a secret of sth

He refuses to make any secret of his political allegiances.

2 only/best way of doing/achieving sth
reveal, tell sb

These animals may hold the secret to combating the virus.

secret behind

She revealed the secret behind her extraordinary success.

secret of

the secrets of staying healthy

the secret of (sb's) success
remain, stay
keep sth
highly, top, very

a top-secret meeting

formerly, previously

The text of the previously secret treaty can now be revealed.


They managed to keep the party more or less secret from Christine.

Secret is used with these nouns:address, ↑admirer, ↑affair, ↑agenda, ↑agent, ↑ambition, ↑ballot, ↑camera, ↑chamber, ↑code, ↑compartment, ↑corner, ↑crush, ↑deal, ↑desire, ↑diary, ↑diplomacy, ↑document, ↑door, ↑drawer, ↑entrance, ↑exit, ↑fantasy, ↑file, ↑formula, ↑handshake, ↑hearing, ↑identity, ↑information, ↑ingredient, ↑intelligence, ↑laboratory, ↑life, ↑location, ↑longing, ↑love, ↑lover, ↑meeting, ↑memo, ↑memorandum, ↑message, ↑mission, ↑negotiation, ↑panel, ↑passage, ↑passion, ↑password, ↑plan, ↑pocket, ↑police, ↑recipe, ↑rendezvous, ↑report, ↑retreat, ↑ritual, ↑service, ↑shame, ↑shopper, ↑society, ↑surveillance, ↑talk, ↑treasure, ↑truth, ↑tunnel, ↑vault, ↑vice, ↑vote, ↑weapon, ↑wish, ↑worry

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • secret — secret, ète 1. (se krè, krè t ; la prononciation ancienne était segret, segrète ; et plusieurs, surtout les vieillards, la conservent encore ; plusieurs, au XVIe siècle, écrivaient segret, voy. l historique à SECRET, 2 ; au XVIIe siècle,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • secret — SECRÉT, Ă, secreţi, te, adj., s.n. I. adj. 1. Care este ţinut ascuns, care rămâne necunoscut, nedivulgat; confidenţial. Tratative secrete. ♢ Asociaţie (sau organizaţie, societate) secretă = organizaţie cu caracter conspirativ, constituită în… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Secret — • The prayer said in a low voice by the celebrant at the end of the Offeratory in the Roman Liturgy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Secret     Secret      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • secret — [sē′krit] adj. [OFr < L secretus, pp. of secernere, to set apart < se , apart (see SECEDE) + cernere, to sift, distinguish: see HARVEST] 1. kept from public knowledge or from the knowledge of a certain person or persons 2. withdrawn, remote …   English World dictionary

  • Secret — Se cret, a. [F. secret (cf. Sp. & Pg. secreto, It. secreto, segreto), fr. L. secretus, p. p. of secernere to put apart, to separate. See {Certain}, and cf. {Secrete}, {Secern}.] 1. Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • secret — adj Secret, covert, stealthy, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, underhand, underhanded are comparable when they mean done, carried on, operated, or accomplished so as not to attract attention or observation. Secret, the most general of these… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Secret — Se cret, n. [F. secret (cf. Pr. secret, Sp. & Pg. secreto, It. secreto, segreto), from L. secretum. See {Secret}, a.] 1. Something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge; what is not revealed, or not to be revealed. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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