
be, look, seem, sound

She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.

become, grow

His face grew solemn.

extremely, fairly, very, etc.

He addressed them all in very solemn tones.

Her mood was rather solemn.


Our most solemn duty is to protect the public.

Solemn is used with these nouns: ↑ceremony, ↑declaration, ↑duty, ↑eye, ↑face, ↑oath, ↑occasion, ↑procession, ↑promise, ↑ritual, ↑tone, ↑undertaking, ↑vow, ↑word

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Solemn — Sol emn, a. [OE. solempne, OF. solempne, L. solemnis, solennis, sollemnis, sollennis; sollus all, entire + annus a year; properly, that takes place every year; used especially of religious solemnities. Cf. {Silly}, {Annual}.] 1. Marked with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • solemn — SOLÉMN, Ă, solemni, e, adj. (Adesea adverbial) 1. Care are loc după un anumit ceremonial; cu fast, sărbătoresc. 2. Important; grav, serios. ♦ Desăvârşit; intens, profund. ♦ Sfânt, sacru. ♦ Măreţ, grandios, maiestuos. 3. (Despre acte juridice)… …   Dicționar Român

  • solemn — sol‧emn [ˈsɒləm ǁ ˈsɑː ] adjective 1. solemn and binding LAW an agreement that is solemn and binding is recognized in law: • Only on the basis of a solemn and binding undertaking did they allow the purchase to proceed. 2. solemn… …   Financial and business terms

  • solemn — [säl′əm] adj. [ME solemne < OFr < L sollemnis, sollennis, yearly, annual, hence religious, solemn (from assoc. with annual religious festivals) < sollus, all, entire < Oscan, akin to L salvus (see SAFE) + ? annus, year] 1. a) observed …   English World dictionary

  • solemn — I adjective august, awe inspiring, awesome, ceremonial, ceremonious, devotional, devout, earnest, formal, funereal, gloomy, grave, gravis, grim, hallowed, holy, imposing, impressive, majestic, meditative, mirthless, mournful, pensive, quiet,… …   Law dictionary

  • solemn — [adj1] quiet, serious austere, brooding, cold sober*, deliberate, dignified, downbeat, earnest, funereal, glum, grave, heavy, intense, matter of life and death*, moody, no fooling*, no nonsense*, pensive, portentous, reflective, sedate, sober,… …   New thesaurus

  • solemn — англ. [со/лэм] solemnis лат. [соле/мнис] solenne ит. [соле/ннэ] торжественный …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • solemn — late 13c., from O.Fr. solempne (Fr. solennel), from L. sollemnis formal, ceremonial, traditional, perhaps related to sollus whole (see SAFE (Cf. safe) (adj.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • solemn — 1 *ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, conventional Analogous words: liturgical, ritualistic (see corresponding nouns at FORM): *full, complete, plenary: imposing, august, majestic, magnificent (see GRAND) 2 *serious, grave, somber, sedate, earnest …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • solemn — ► ADJECTIVE 1) formal and dignified. 2) not cheerful; serious. 3) deeply sincere. DERIVATIVES solemnly adverb. ORIGIN originally in the sense «associated with religious rites»: from Latin sollemnis customary, celebrated at a fixed date …   English terms dictionary

  • solemn — 01. Her grandfather is a very [solemn] man who almost never smiles. 02. The Veterans Day ceremonies were a very [solemn] occasion. 03. The guests watched [solemnly] as the funeral procession began. 04. Brock made a [solemn] promise to his… …   Grammatical examples in English

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