
1 in tents/huts
makeshift, temporary
day (AmE), holiday (BrE), sleepaway (AmE), summer
basketball, football, music, etc. (all esp. AmE)

The kids were at basketball camp most of the summer.


The mountaineers set up their base camp at the foot of the mountain.

Gypsy, travellers' (BrE)
army, boot, military
rebel, terrorist
fishing, hunting (both esp. AmE)
establish, make, pitch, set up

They established a base camp by the river.

We pitched camp just outside the woods.

be located
break, strike

We broke camp early the next morning.

attend, go to

There are opportunities for children to attend summer camps.

attack, destroy, raid

Militants raided an army camp.

fire (usually campfire)

We sat around the campfire.

site (usually campsite)
at (a/the) camp

The children are spending a week at a summer camp.

2 prison, etc.
concentration, detention, internment, labour/labor, POW, prison, prisoner-of-war, re-education
death, extermination

the appalling conditions in the refugee camps

be sent to

concentration camp survivors

in a/the camp

She spent five years in a prison camp.

3 group with shared beliefs
hostile, opposing, rival (esp. BrE), warring
ideological, political

The region split into two armed camps.

divide into, split into
in a/the camp

people in both main political camps

have a foot in both camps (= show loyalty to two different groups)

He can unite the party because he has a foot in both camps.

Camp is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑army

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • camp — camp …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • camp — [ kɑ̃ ] n. m. • fin XVe lit de can; forme normanno picarde ou provenç. de champ; lat. campus I ♦ 1 ♦ Zone provisoirement ou en permanence réservée pour les rassemblements de troupes de toutes armes, soit pour des manœuvres, des exercices (camp d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • câmp — CÂMP, câmpuri, s.n. şi (1, astăzi mai ales în expr.) câmpi, s.m. 1. Întindere vastă de pământ fără accidente însemnate de teren; şes, câmpie; spec. întindere de pământ cultivată, semănată; totalitatea ogoarelor din jurul unei comune. ♢ Munca… …   Dicționar Român

  • camp — CAMP. subst. masc. Le lieu où une armée se loge en ordre. Camp retranché, ouvert, fortifié. Camp bien ordonné. Camp avantageux. Dans tous les quartiers du camp. Il a mis, il a posé son camp. en tel endroit. À la tête du camp. La garde du camp. Se …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Camp — (k[a^]mp), n. [F. camp, It. campo, fr. L. campus plant, field; akin to Gr. kh^pos garden. Cf. {Campaign}, {Champ}, n.] 1. The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Camp — or encampment may refer to:Outdoor accommodation and recreation* Campsite or campground, a recreational outdoor sleeping and eating site * Resources camp erected for logging, fishing, mining, etc. * Summer camp, typically organized for groups of… …   Wikipedia

  • Camp — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Camp es una estética en que basa su atractivo en un valor irónico o un cierto mal gusto. Cuando apareció el término, en 1909, se utilizaba para referirse a comportamientos ostentosos, exagerados, afectados,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Camp Ma-Ho-Ge — Camp Ma Ho Ge, located in Bethel, New York in Sullivan County and about one mile from the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, was the summer home for hundreds of kids from early 1920s through 1977, when the camp was sold. Ma Ho Ge was the first… …   Wikipedia

  • camp — Camp, Castra, castrorum, Praesidia, praesidiorum, Statiua castra. B. ex Liuio, voyez Champ de bataille. Un camp arresté, Un fort, Statiua, statiuorum: vel Statiuae, statiuarum. Asseoir le camp, Castra facere, Castra metari, Castra ponere. J ay… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • camp — Camp. s. m. Le lieu où une armée en corps se poste avec ordre. Camp retranché, ouvert, fortifié. camp bien ordonné. camp avantageux. dans tous les quartiers du camp. il a mis, il a posé son camp en tel endroit. à la teste du camp. la garde du… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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