- earn
- verb1 to get money for work, etc.ADVERB▪ consistently▪ reportedly, reputedly (esp. BrE)▪
She reportedly earns more than $475 000 a year
VERB + EARN▪ have to, need to▪ expect to▪The company expects to earn €600 million on sales.
PREPOSITION▪ from▪profits earned from real estate sales
PHRASES▪ a/the chance to earn sth, a/the opportunity to earn sth▪the opportunity to earn more money
▪ earn a living as sth▪the difficulty of earning a living as an artist
▪ earn enough to do sth▪The workers barely earn enough to live on.
▪ sb's/the ability to earn sth▪his ability to earn a living lecturing
2 to get sth you deserveADVERB▪ really▪‘I feel I've really earned this!’ she said, picking up her cup of coffee.
▪ richly, rightfully (esp. AmE), rightly (esp. BrE), truly▪He has truly earned the admiration of his colleagues.
▪ quickly▪He quickly earned the respect of his colleagues.
VERB + EARN▪ have to, need to▪First you have to earn their respect.
▪ seek to, try to▪ be likely to▪ go on to▪He went on to earn a PhD in astronomy from the University of Maryland.
Earn is used with these nouns as the object: ↑acclaim, ↑accolade, ↑applause, ↑approval, ↑award, ↑badge, ↑bonus, ↑booking, ↑bronze, ↑cash, ↑certificate, ↑championship, ↑commission, ↑confidence, ↑contempt, ↑credentials, ↑credit, ↑degree, ↑diploma, ↑distinction, ↑draw, ↑enmity, ↑equivalent, ↑esteem, ↑fame, ↑fee, ↑fortune, ↑grade, ↑gratitude, ↑honour, ↑income, ↑interest, ↑keep, ↑laugh, ↑livelihood, ↑living, ↑love, ↑loyalty, ↑master, ↑medal, ↑mention, ↑money, ↑nickname, ↑notoriety, ↑ovation, ↑pay, ↑penalty, ↑point, ↑praise, ↑premium, ↑profit, ↑promotion, ↑rating, ↑rebuke, ↑recognition, ↑replay, ↑reprieve, ↑reprimand, ↑reputation, ↑respect, ↑return, ↑revenue, ↑reward, ↑royalty, ↑salary, ↑scholarship, ↑score, ↑silver, ↑spot, ↑sum, ↑sympathy, ↑title, ↑total, ↑trust, ↑wage, ↑win, ↑wrath
Collocations dictionary. 2013.