
1 come out
eventually, finally

The plant has fully emerged from the soil.


The world is only slowly emerging from recession.


They suddenly emerged into brilliant sunshine.

out of

the musical forms that emerged out of the American black experience

emerge fully formed

His enormous talent had emerged fully formed.

2 become known
clearly, strongly

One thing emerges very clearly from this study.

quickly, soon

The answer to the problem quickly emerged.

later, subsequently

It subsequently emerged that he had known about the deal all along.

eventually, ultimately

What eventually emerged from the election disaster was a realization that it was time for change.

begin to, start to

Problems with this drug are now beginning to emerge.


Several facts started to emerge from my investigation.

3 start to exist

The Pacific region has rapidly emerged as a leading force on the world stage.

gradually, slowly
newly emerged, newly emerging

newly emerging areas of science

Emerge is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑butterfly, ↑consensus, ↑detail, ↑difference, ↑evidence, ↑explanation, ↑finding, ↑idea, ↑inconsistency, ↑leaf, ↑message, ↑news, ↑party, ↑pattern, ↑phenomenon, ↑picture, ↑problem, ↑regime, ↑relationship, ↑report, ↑shape, ↑shoot, ↑story, ↑sun, ↑theme, ↑thread, ↑trend, ↑truth, ↑word

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • emerge — EMÉRGE, pers. 3 emérge, vb. III. intranz. (fiz.; despre corpuri, radiaţii etc.) A ieşi dintr un mediu după ce l a traversat. – Din fr. émerger. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  emérge vb., ind. prez. 3 …   Dicționar Român

  • Emerge — may refer to:* Portage (software) emerge, a command line tool at the heart of Portage package management system * Fischerspooner Emerge, a song by Fischerspooner * Emacs Emerge, a frontend for the diff and diff3 commands for Emacs * , the fourth… …   Wikipedia

  • émergé — émergé, ée adj. Qui n est pas plongé dans un liquide. Les terres émergées ne couvrent pas la moitié du globe. ⇒ÉMERGÉ, ÉE, part. passé et adj. I. Part. passé de émerger. II. Emploi adj. Qui est au dessus de la surface de l eau. Terres émergées;… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Emerge — E*merge , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Emerged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Emerging}.] [L. emergere, emersum; e out + mergere to dip, plunge. See {Merge}.] To rise out of a fluid; to come forth from that in which anything has been plunged, enveloped, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • emerge — emerge; re·emerge; …   English syllables

  • emerge — I verb appear, arise, arrive, become apparent, become manifest, become plain, become visible, break through, burst forth, come forth, come forward, come into notice, come into view, come out, come out of hiding, come to light, crop up, dawn,… …   Law dictionary

  • émergé — émergé, ée (é mèr jé, jée) adj. Qui n est pas plongé dans l eau, par opposition à immergé. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Émerger …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • emerge — UK US /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ verb [I] ► to begin to exist or have power or influence: » The new Executive Director will be responsible for ensuring that the state emerges as a leader in the field of next generation energy. ► to appear or become known:… …   Financial and business terms

  • emerge — 1560s, from M.Fr. émerger, from L. emergere rise out or up, bring forth, bring to light, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + mergere to dip, sink (see MERGE (Cf. merge)). The notion is of rising from a liquid by virtue of buoyancy. Related: Emerged; …   Etymology dictionary

  • emerge — *appear, loom Analogous words: issue, emanate, *spring, flow, arise, rise, proceed, stem, derive, originate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • emerge — [v] come out, arise appear, arrive, become apparent, become known, become visible, come forth, come into view, come on the scene, come to light, come up, crop up, dawn, derive, develop, egress, emanate, flow, gush, issue, loom, make appearance,… …   New thesaurus

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