
bright, brightly coloured/colored, brilliantly coloured/colored, colourful/colorful
fragrant, scented
little, small, tiny
big, huge, large
bell-shaped, star-shaped, etc.
exotic, rare
garden, tropical, wild
spring, summer, etc.
beautiful, lovely, pretty

What beautiful flowers!


They sell a few plants, but they mainly sell cut flowers.

dried, pressed
dead, wilted
plastic, silk
closed, open

The flowers were still tightly closed.

hibiscus, lotus, etc.
bouquet, bunch
bear, have, produce

It has deep pink scented flowers.

It was the first year that the cactus had produced flowers.


The flowers are pollinated by insects.

get, receive
go to seed
bud, head, petal, seed, spike, stalk, stem
bed, border
arrangement, arranger, arranging

I'm learning flower arranging.

basket, container, pot (usually flowerpot), vase
festival (BrE), show
market, seller, shop, stall (esp. BrE), stand
power (= hippy culture)
in flower

It was June and the roses were in flower.

a bank of flowers, a carpet of flowers, a mass of flowers

The alleys were adorned with banks of flowers.

The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.

covered in flowers

The bush was absolutely covered in flowers.

come into

If the winter weather is mild, plants may come into flower too early.

in full flower

The park will have cherries in full flower this month.

NOTE: Flowers
grow … 

Tulips are grown everywhere.

breed … 

She breeds orchids in her greenhouse.

plant … , put in … 

Spring is the best time to plant chrysanthemums.

dig out … , dig up … , take out … 

Dig up your geraniums before the first frosts.

spray … , water … 

It's a good idea to spray your roses against greenfly.

prune roses, deadhead … 

Don't forget to deadhead the pansies.

pick (sb) … 

I picked some daffodils for you.

smell … 

He stopped to smell the flowers.

arrange … 

She arranged the tulips in a vase.

bring (sb) … , give (sb) … , send (sb) … , take (sb) … 

I sent him flowers to apologize.

deliver … , order … 

I ordered flowers online for her birthday.

 … grows

Daffodils grow wild in the mountains.

 … blooms,  … is in bloom,  … comes into flower,  … comes out,  … is in flower,  … is out,  … flowers

The spring flowers were just coming out.

What time of year do daffodils flower?

 … smells

Some of these roses smell absolutely wonderful.

 … closes,  … closes up,  … opens,  … opens up

You know it's summer when the first daisies open.

 … droops,  … wilts,  … withers

The petunias were already wilting in the hot sun.

 … is over

It was April and the snowdrops were long over.

a bouquet of … , a bunch of … , a garland of … , a posy of … , a spray of … , a vase of … 

a spray of mixed violets and primroses

Flower is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑bulb, ↑shrub

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Flower — Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Flower — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término flower puede referirse a: Flower, la canción de Tomiko Van. Flower, sencillo de L Arc en Ciel. Flower, videojuego de PlayStation 3. Obtenido de Flower Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación …   Wikipedia Español

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  • flower — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. flor flower, blossom; heyday, prime; fine flour; elite; innocence, virginity (Mod.Fr. fleur), from L. florem (nom. flos) flower (Cf. It. fiore, Sp. flor; see FLORA (Cf. flora)). Modern spelling is 14c. Ousted O.E. cognate… …   Etymology dictionary

  • flower — [flou′ər] n. [ME flowre, flour, OFr flor, flour (Fr fleur) < L flos (gen. floris), a flower: see BLOOM1] 1. a) the seed producing structure of an angiosperm, consisting of a shortened stem usually bearing four layers of organs, with the… …   English World dictionary

  • Flower — Разработчик thatgamecompany Издатель Sony Computer Entertainment Создатели Геймдизайнеры Jenova Chen Nicholas Clark …   Википедия

  • flower — [n1] bloom of a plant annual, blossom, bud, cluster, efflorescence, floret, floweret, head, herb, inflorescence, perennial, pompon, posy, shoot, spike, spray, vine; concepts 425,428 flower [n2] best, choicest part cream, elite, finest point,… …   New thesaurus

  • flower — ► NOUN 1) the seed bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs typically surrounded by brightly coloured petals and green sepals. 2) (often in phrase in flower) the state or period in which a plant s flowers have developed and… …   English terms dictionary

  • Flower — Flow er (flou [ e]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flowered} (flou [ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flowering}.] [From the noun. Cf. {Flourish}.] 1. To blossom; to bloom; to expand the petals, as a plant; to produce flowers; as, this plant flowers in June.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flower — n blossom, bloom, blow (see under BLOSSOM vb) flower vb *blossom, bloom, blow Analogous words: flourish, prosper (see SUCCEED) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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