
1 time that will come after the present
foreseeable, immediate, near, not-too-distant, short-term

Things will continue as they are for the foreseeable future.

A new branch of the store will be opening in the near future.

distant, far, remote

Trying to forecast the far future is a problematic exercise.


Nothing will change for the indefinite future.

look to, plan for

Don't think too much about past troubles—look to the future.

foretell, look into, predict

All of us need to embrace the future.

bring (sb), hold

whatever the future may bring you

Who can tell what the future holds?

for the future

What are your plans for the future?

in (the) future

In future, please contact me first. (BrE)

In the future, please contact me first. (AmE)

The possibility of travel to other solar systems still lies in the distant future.

of the future

The stars of the future are competing this month.

a vision for the future, a vision of the future

In her speech, the director outlined her vision for the future.

2 what will happen to sb/sth
bright, brilliant, exciting, glorious, golden (esp. BrE), great, healthy, promising, prosperous, rosy, successful

He has a great future as a designer.

hopeful, peaceful
secure, stable
sustainable, viable
bleak, gloomy (esp. BrE), grim, uncertain

He forecasts an uncertain future for the industry.

economic, financial, political

united by our common history and our shared future

entire, whole

He felt his entire future was at risk.

face, have

The company faces a very uncertain future.


We want to create a better future for everyone.

determine, influence, shape

the right to determine their own future in a democratic fashion

assure, guarantee, secure

The sale secured his financial future.

jeopardize, threaten
envisage (esp. BrE), envision (esp. AmE), forecast, predict
consider, contemplate, ponder, ponder on

After being dropped from the team the young defender is considering his future.


You need to take time to plan your future.

invest in

She decided to invest in her future by taking a course.

await (sb)

A great future awaits you.

future as

She has a very promising future as a musician.

future in

He could see no future in his job.

a question mark over the future of sb/sth (esp. BrE)

A question mark hangs over the future of the company.

Future is used with these nouns: ↑bride, ↑challenge, ↑conflict, ↑consumption, ↑dealings, ↑demand, ↑direction, ↑disaster, ↑earnings, ↑edition, ↑emperor, ↑employer, ↑endeavour, ↑event, ↑existence, ↑expansion, ↑expectation, ↑expenditure, ↑exploration, ↑gain, ↑generation, ↑government, ↑greatness, ↑growth, ↑happiness, ↑heir, ↑historian, ↑hope, ↑husband, ↑impact, ↑implication, ↑incarnation, ↑income, ↑king, ↑leader, ↑life, ↑month, ↑need, ↑occupant, ↑owner, ↑plan, ↑possibility, ↑potential, ↑profit, ↑profitability, ↑projection, ↑promise, ↑prospect, ↑prosperity, ↑queen, ↑reference, ↑release, ↑requirement, ↑research, ↑return, ↑ruler, ↑scenario, ↑self, ↑shape, ↑shortage, ↑strategy, ↑study, ↑success, ↑survival, ↑target, ↑tense, ↑use, ↑version, ↑viability, ↑wife, ↑year

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Future — Fu ture, n. [Cf. F. futur. See {Future}, a.] [1913 Webster] 1. Time to come; time subsequent to the present (as, the future shall be as the present); collectively, events that are to happen in time to come. Lay the future open. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • future — ► NOUN 1) (the future) time that is still to come. 2) events or conditions occurring or existing in that time. 3) a prospect of success or happiness: I might have a future as an artist. 4) Grammar a tense of verbs expressing events that have not… …   English terms dictionary

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