
1 groceries food, etc. ⇨ See also ↑shopping

my weekly groceries


He walked in and set the bag of groceries down on the floor.

buy, get (esp. AmE)

Mom wanted me to get the groceries.

Where do you buy your groceries?


We have our groceries delivered.

bag (AmE), pack
put away, unload, unpack (all esp. AmE)
2 (esp. AmE) used before a noun
bag, sack (AmE)
items (BrE, AmE)
cart (AmE)
shopping (BrE, AmE)

I have to do some grocery shopping.

store (BrE, AmE)
3 (esp. BrE) (AmE usually grocery store) shop/store ⇨ See also ↑supermarket
corner, local, neighbourhood/neighborhood

the corner grocery (esp. BrE)

the corner grocery store (esp. AmE)

checkout (AmE)

a grocery checkout

a grocery store checkout (both AmE)

aisle, shelves (both esp. AmE)
clerk (AmE)

a grocery clerk

a grocery store clerk (both AmE)

business, chain

a grocery business/chain (BrE, AmE)

a grocery store business/chain (AmE)

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • grocery — (n.) mid 15c., goods sold by a grocer (now groceries, 1630s), earlier the name of the Grocer s Hall in London (early 15c.), from O.Fr. grosserie, from grossier (see GROCER (Cf. grocer)). Meaning a grocer s shop is 1828, American English. Self… …   Etymology dictionary

  • grocery — ► NOUN (pl. groceries) 1) a grocer s shop or business. 2) (groceries) items of food sold in a grocer s shop or supermarket …   English terms dictionary

  • grocery — [grō′sər ē; ] often [ grōs′rē] n. pl. groceries [ME grocerye < OFr grosserie ] ☆ 1. a grocer s store 2. [pl.] the food and supplies sold by a grocer …   English World dictionary

  • grocery — noun /ˈɡɹəʊsəɹi,ˈɡɹoʊsəɹi/ a) Retail foodstuffs and other household supplies. Where ten thousand pounds can be employed in the grocery trade, the wages of the grocers labour make but a very trifling addition... b) A shop or store that sells… …   Wiktionary

  • grocery — gro|cer|y1 [ grous(ə)ri ] noun count AMERICAN a small store that sells food and other goods gro|cer|y2 [ grous(ə)ri ] adjective relating to groceries or grocery stores: a grocery basket grocery items …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • grocery — /groh seuh ree, grohs ree/, n., pl. groceries. 1. Also called grocery store. a grocer s store. 2. Usually, groceries; esp. Brit. grocery. food and other commodities sold by a grocer. 3. the business of a grocer. 4. Southwestern U.S. (formerly) a …   Universalium

  • grocery — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. grocery store, green grocer[y], purveyor s; [super]mar ket; (pl.) provisions, victuals, food, supplies. See store, provision. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. grocery store, supermarket, food store, vegetable… …   English dictionary for students

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