
comparatively, fairly, pretty, quite, rather, relatively

a relatively recent development

Recent is used with these nouns: ↑acquisition, ↑addition, ↑advance, ↑appearance, ↑appointment, ↑arrival, ↑bereavement, ↑biography, ↑book, ↑break-in, ↑breakthrough, ↑controversy, ↑convert, ↑decade, ↑development, ↑disappearance, ↑discovery, ↑edition, ↑election, ↑emergence, ↑emphasis, ↑encounter, ↑estimate, ↑event, ↑excavation, ↑experience, ↑find, ↑finding, ↑flurry, ↑furore, ↑graduate, ↑hire, ↑history, ↑immigrant, ↑improvement, ↑incarnation, ↑incident, ↑influx, ↑initiative, ↑innovation, ↑introduction, ↑literature, ↑memory, ↑month, ↑move, ↑news, ↑novel, ↑offering, ↑origin, ↑outbreak, ↑painting, ↑past, ↑phenomenon, ↑photograph, ↑poll, ↑popularity, ↑post, ↑posting, ↑preoccupation, ↑publication, ↑rally, ↑recording, ↑recruit, ↑reduction, ↑release, ↑renovation, ↑report, ↑research, ↑revelation, ↑revision, ↑revival, ↑ruling, ↑scandal, ↑series, ↑setback, ↑slump, ↑speculation, ↑study, ↑success, ↑surge, ↑time, ↑tragedy, ↑trend, ↑trouble, ↑turmoil, ↑update, ↑upsurge, ↑version, ↑vintage, ↑visit, ↑wave, ↑work, ↑writer, ↑year

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • récent — récent, ente [ resɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1450 « nouveau, 1. frais »; lat. recens, entis ♦ Qui s est produit ou qui existe depuis peu de temps; proche dans le passé. Des photos récentes. Une construction récente. ⇒ moderne. Événements récents. Un homme… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • recent — RECÉNT, Ă, recenţi, te, adj. Care s a petrecut, s a întâmplat, a apărut de curând; care datează de puţină vreme; nou, proaspăt. – Din fr. récent, lat. recens, ntis. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 30.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  Recent ≠ vechi Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • récent — récent, ente (ré san, san t ) adj. 1°   Nouvellement fait ou arrivé. •   L exemple récent d une reine que la France admirera éternellement, FLÉCH. Mar. Thér.. •   Songez.... Au meurtre tout récent du malheureux Osman, RAC. Bajaz. II, 1.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Recent — Re cent (r[=e] sent), a. [L. recens, entis: cf. F. r[ e]cent.] 1. Of late origin, existence, or occurrence; lately come; not of remote date, antiquated style, or the like; not already known, familiar, worn out, trite, etc.; fresh; novel; new;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • recent — I adjective fresh, lately, new, newly arrived, not long past, novel, of recent occurrence, up to date associated concepts: in recent memory, recent possession, recently II index current, novel …   Law dictionary

  • recent — RECENT, [rec]ente. adj. Nouveau, nouvellement fait, nouvellement arrivé. Mettre un appareil sur une playe pendant qu elle est encore recente. cela est d une escriture toute recente. plus ces drogues là sont recentes, & meilleures elles sont. elle …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • recent — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having happened or been done lately; belonging to a period of time not long ago. 2) (Recent) Geology another term for HOLOCENE(Cf. ↑Holocene). DERIVATIVES recently adverb. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • recent — [rē′sənt] adj. [MFr < L recens < re , again + IE base * ken , emerge freshly, new > Gr kainos, new] 1. done, made, etc. just before the present time; modern; new 2. of a time just before the present 3. [R ] designating or of the Holocene …   English World dictionary

  • Recent — (v. lat.), neu, frisch; recente Formation, so v.w. Alluvium; Recentioren, die Neueren, bes. neueren Schriftsteller …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Recent — Recent, s. Rezent …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • recent — (adj.) 1530s, from L. recentem (nom. recens) lately done or made, new, fresh, from re (see RE (Cf. re )) + PIE root *ken fresh, new, young (Cf. Gk. kainos new; Skt. kanina young; O.Ir. cetu first; O.C.S …   Etymology dictionary

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