
Dishonourably/dishonorably is used with these verbs: ↑discharge

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • dishonourably — dishonourable (US dishonorable) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ bringing shame or disgrace. DERIVATIVES dishonourably adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • dishonourably — adv. disgracefully, shamefully, scandalously …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dishonourably — See: dishonourable …   English dictionary

  • dishonourably — adverb in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree his grades were disgracefully low • Syn: ↑disgracefully, ↑ingloriously, ↑ignominiously, ↑discreditably, ↑shamefully, ↑dishonorably • D …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn your coat —    dishonourably to desert a cause    A survival from the days when livery facilitated recognition and personal allegiance, on and off the battlefield:     Perhaps wisely they turned coat and told us where he was. (C. Allen, 1975 Ali Dinar s… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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  • discharge — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 act of discharging; thing discharged ADJECTIVE ▪ thick ▪ nasal, vaginal, etc. ▪ industrial, sewage, waste …   Collocations dictionary

  • dishonourable — [[t]dɪsɒ̱nərəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is dishonourable is not honest and does things which you consider to be morally unacceptable. Mark had done nothing dishonourable... He was not a dishonourable man, he was merely a professional. Syn …   English dictionary

  • discreditably — adverb in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree his grades were disgracefully low • Syn: ↑disgracefully, ↑ingloriously, ↑ignominiously, ↑shamefully, ↑dishonorably, ↑dishonourably • D …   Useful english dictionary

  • disgracefully — adverb in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree his grades were disgracefully low • Syn: ↑ingloriously, ↑ignominiously, ↑discreditably, ↑shamefully, ↑dishonorably, ↑dishonourably • D …   Useful english dictionary

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