at ease

  • 41ease */*/ — I UK [iːz] / US [ɪz] noun [uncountable] 1) a) the ability to do something easily with ease: Young children seem to master computer games with ease. We completed the climb with relative ease (= fairly easily). b) the fact that something is easy to …

    English dictionary

  • 42ease — /iz / (say eez) noun 1. freedom from labour, pain, or physical annoyance of any kind; tranquil rest; comfort: to take one s ease. 2. freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude; a quiet state of mind: be at ease. 3. freedom from difficulty or… …

  • 43ease — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ consummate (esp. BrE), great ▪ astonishing, incredible, remarkable, surprising ▪ alarming (esp. BrE) …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 44ease — I n. 1) at ease (to put smb. at ease; ill at ease) 2) at ease with (she feels at ease with us) 3) (formal) for ease in (for ease in sleeping) 4) with ease (he can lift a hundred pounds with great ease) II v. (P; refl., tr.) they eased the piano… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 45ease — /eez/, n., v., eased, easing. n. 1. freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one s ease. 2. freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude; a quiet state of mind: to be at ease about one s health. 3. freedom …


  • 46ease — I. noun Etymology: Middle English ese, from Anglo French eise, aise convenience, comfort, ultimately from Latin adjacent , adjacens neighboring more at adjacent Date: 13th century 1. the state of being comfortable: as a. freedom from pain or… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 47ease — 01. He [eased] into his chair after a long day of work. 02. In some parts of the world, dried shark brain is used to [ease] labor pains, and prevent tooth decay. 03. Felicita helped [ease] Victor s headache by massaging his neck. 04. He is such a …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 48ease — dis·ease·ful; ease·ful; ease·less; ease·ment; ease; hearts·ease; mis·ease; un·ease; dis·ease; ease·ful·ly; …

    English syllables

  • 49ease — [[t]iz[/t]] n. v. eased, eas•ing 1) freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; relaxation or comfort: to enjoy one s ease[/ex] 2) freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude: to be at ease about one s health[/ex] 3) freedom from difficulty …

    From formal English to slang

  • 50ease off — verb 1. become less intense • Syn: ↑ease up, ↑slacken off, ↑flag • Hypernyms: ↑decrease, ↑diminish, ↑lessen, ↑fall • Verb Frames …

    Useful english dictionary