
1 happening/found often
be, seem
extremely, fairly, very, etc.

These problems now seem fairly common.

among, in

Stomach pain is very common in children.

2 shared

This attitude is common to most young men in the armed services.

have sth in common

Jane and I have nothing in common.

I have nothing in common with Jane.

The two cultures have a lot in common.

hold sth in common

They hold the property as tenants in common (= they share it).

in common with (esp. BrE)

India, in common with (= like) many other countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.

3 (BrE) showing a lack of education
be, seem, sound

I wish you wouldn't use that word—it sounds so common.

a bit, rather, slightly

I don't like Sandra. She seems a little common to me.

Common is used with these nouns: ↑abbreviation, ↑ailment, ↑aim, ↑ancestor, ↑ancestry, ↑assault, ↑assent, ↑assumption, ↑attribute, ↑belief, ↑bird, ↑bond, ↑border, ↑boundary, ↑cause, ↑characteristic, ↑cold, ↑complaint, ↑complication, ↑component, ↑concern, ↑consensus, ↑consent, ↑core, ↑courtesy, ↑criminal, ↑criticism, ↑currency, ↑decency, ↑descent, ↑dilemma, ↑disease, ↑disorder, ↑end, ↑enemy, ↑enterprise, ↑era, ↑error, ↑example, ↑expectation, ↑experience, ↑explanation, ↑expression, ↑factor, ↑failing, ↑fate, ↑fault, ↑feature, ↑foe, ↑folk, ↑form, ↑framework, ↑front, ↑frontier, ↑goal, ↑good, ↑grave, ↑ground, ↑herd, ↑heritage, ↑humanity, ↑identity, ↑illness, ↑ingredient, ↑interest, ↑kind, ↑knowledge, ↑land, ↑language, ↑law, ↑link, ↑market, ↑method, ↑mineral, ↑misconception, ↑mistake, ↑misunderstanding, ↑morality, ↑mutation, ↑myth, ↑name, ↑need, ↑notion, ↑noun, ↑object, ↑objection, ↑objective, ↑observation, ↑occurrence, ↑origin, ↑ownership, ↑parasite, ↑people, ↑perception, ↑pest, ↑phenomenon, ↑phrase, ↑pitfall, ↑politeness, ↑pollutant, ↑pool, ↑practice, ↑problem, ↑procedure, ↑property, ↑prostitute, ↑purpose, ↑reaction, ↑reason, ↑refrain, ↑remedy, ↑room, ↑root, ↑run, ↑salt, ↑saying, ↑scenario, ↑sense, ↑sentiment, ↑set, ↑side effect, ↑sight, ↑slang, ↑soldier, ↑species, ↑standard, ↑stereotype, ↑stock, ↑surname, ↑symptom, ↑tendency, ↑term, ↑terminology, ↑theme, ↑thief, ↑thread, ↑tongue, ↑trait, ↑truth, ↑type, ↑understanding, ↑usage, ↑use, ↑value, ↑vision, ↑vocabulary, ↑wisdom, ↑yardstick

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • common — com·mon 1 adj 1 a: of or relating to a community at large: public common defense b: known to the community a common thief 2: belonging to or shared by two or more persons or things or by all members of a group …   Law dictionary

  • Common — Com mon, a. [Compar. {Commoner}; superl. {Commonest}.] [OE. commun, comon, OF. comun, F. commun, fr. L. communis; com + munis ready to be of service; cf. Skr. mi to make fast, set up, build, Goth. gamains common, G. gemein, and E. mean low,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Common — in einer Ausgabe von Men s Health (2006) Common (* 13. März 1972 in Chicago, Illinois; bürgerlicher Name Lonnie Rashid Lynn) ist ein US amerikanischer Rapper und Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeich …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Common — Datos generales Nombre real Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr. Nacimi …   Wikipedia Español

  • common — [käm′ən] adj. [ME commun < OFr comun < L communis (OL comoinis), shared by all or many < IE * kom moini , common (< * kom,COM + * moini , achievement < base * mei , to exchange, barter) > OE gemæne, public, general, Ger gemein:… …   English World dictionary

  • common — adj 1 *universal, general, generic Analogous words: shared, partaken, participated (see SHARE vb): joined or joint, united, conjoined, connected, associated (see corresponding verbs at JOIN): merged, blended, amalgamated (see MIX) Antonyms:… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Common — Com mon, n. 1. The people; the community. [Obs.] The weal o the common. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public; or to a number of persons. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • common — ► ADJECTIVE (commoner, commonest) 1) occurring, found, or done often; not rare. 2) without special qualities, rank, or position; ordinary. 3) of the most familiar type. 4) showing a lack of taste and refinement supposedly typical of the lower… …   English terms dictionary

  • common — [adj1] average, ordinary accepted, banal, bourgeois, casual, characteristic, colloquial, comformable, commonplace, conventional, current, customary, daily, everyday, familiar, frequent, general, habitual, hackneyed, homely, humdrum, informal,… …   New thesaurus

  • Common — Com mon, v. i. 1. To converse together; to discourse; to confer. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Embassadors were sent upon both parts, and divers means of entreaty were commoned of. Grafton. [1913 Webster] 2. To participate. [Obs.] Sir T. More. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • common — see mutual …   Modern English usage

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