
1 aim
mainly, mostly, primarily, principally

Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.

His anger was mostly directed towards/toward Peter.


He directed the light straight in her face.

exclusively, solely

The attacks were directed solely at military targets.


anger directed specifically against ethnic minorities


criticism clearly directed at upper management

away from

This merely directs attention away from the real issues.


I found myself being directed into a dark room.


The machine directs light onto a special film.


a detour that directs you through narrow, dimly lit streets


I directed my question to the chairman.


We are directing our efforts towards/toward helping young people.

2 film/movie
expertly, masterfully, skilfully/skillfully

The film is expertly directed and beautifully photographed.


It was directed by Luc Besson.


He directs with flair and sensitivity.

Direct is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑judge, ↑memorandum, ↑picture
Direct is used with these nouns as the object: ↑acquittal, ↑adaptation, ↑aggression, ↑anger, ↑attention, ↑beam, ↑choir, ↑comment, ↑criticism, ↑energy, ↑episode, ↑film, ↑flow, ↑focus, ↑fund, ↑fury, ↑gaze, ↑jury, ↑money, ↑movement, ↑movie, ↑remark, ↑research, ↑talent, ↑thought, ↑thriller, ↑traffic, ↑venom, ↑video, ↑work
extremely, fairly, very, etc.

Her manner can be rather direct.

He asked me some very direct questions.


his disconcertingly direct gaze


a refreshingly direct discussion of the agency's priorities


The album is her most emotionally direct work to date.

Direct is used with these nouns: ↑access, ↑accountability, ↑action, ↑aim, ↑allusion, ↑ancestor, ↑answer, ↑appeal, ↑approach, ↑assault, ↑assistance, ↑association, ↑attack, ↑awareness, ↑bearing, ↑benefit, ↑cause, ↑challenge, ↑channel, ↑command, ↑communication, ↑comparison, ↑competition, ↑competitor, ↑confirmation, ↑conflict, ↑confrontation, ↑connection, ↑consequence, ↑contact, ↑continuation, ↑contradiction, ↑contrast, ↑contravention, ↑control, ↑correlation, ↑correspondence, ↑cost, ↑counterpart, ↑credit, ↑criticism, ↑current, ↑dealings, ↑defiance, ↑democracy, ↑deposit, ↑descendant, ↑descent, ↑dialogue, ↑discrimination, ↑effect, ↑election, ↑encounter, ↑equivalent, ↑evidence, ↑expenditure, ↑experience, ↑exploitation, ↑expression, ↑fashion, ↑feedback, ↑fire, ↑flight, ↑forerunner, ↑funding, ↑gaze, ↑heat, ↑heir, ↑help, ↑hit, ↑imitation, ↑impact, ↑implication, ↑incentive, ↑influence, ↑input, ↑insight, ↑inspiration, ↑instruction, ↑insult, ↑interaction, ↑interest, ↑intervention, ↑investment, ↑involvement, ↑knowledge, ↑line, ↑link, ↑mail, ↑manipulation, ↑marketing, ↑measure, ↑method, ↑negotiation, ↑observation, ↑opposite, ↑opposition, ↑order, ↑outcome, ↑parallel, ↑participation, ↑path, ↑proof, ↑proportion, ↑question, ↑questioning, ↑quotation, ↑quote, ↑recourse, ↑reference, ↑reflection, ↑relation, ↑relationship, ↑relevance, ↑replacement, ↑representation, ↑request, ↑response, ↑responsibility, ↑result, ↑road, ↑role, ↑route, ↑rule, ↑sale, ↑sequel, ↑service, ↑shipment, ↑speech, ↑stake, ↑stimulation, ↑subsidy, ↑sun, ↑sunlight, ↑superior, ↑supervision, ↑supervisor, ↑support, ↑talk, ↑tax, ↑taxation, ↑threat, ↑tie, ↑trade, ↑train, ↑transfer, ↑transition, ↑translation, ↑transmission, ↑violation, ↑vote
Direct is used with these verbs: ↑dial, ↑mail, ↑order

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • direct — di·rect 1 vt 1: to order with authority the testator direct ed that the car go to his niece 2: to order entry of (a verdict) without jury consideration the court direct ed a verdict in favor of the defendant 3: to act …   Law dictionary

  • direct — DIRÉCT, Ă, direcţi, te, adj., s.f., adv. 1. adj. Care duce la ţintă, de a dreptul, fără ocol; drept. ♢ În linie directă = din tată în fiu, în linie dreaptă de rudenie. 2. s.f. Lovitură dată de un boxer cu mâna întinsă drept înainte. 3. adv. De a… …   Dicționar Român

  • Direct — Di*rect , a. [L. directus, p. p. of dirigere to direct: cf. F. direct. See {Dress}, and cf. {Dirge}.] 1. Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • direct — Ⅰ. direct UK US /dɪˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ adjective ► without anyone or anything else being involved or coming between two people or things: »She decided to take direct control of the project. »He had had no direct involvement with the deal. »Have… …   Financial and business terms

  • Direct — may refer to: Direct current, a direct flow of electricity Direct examination, the in trial questioning of a witness by the party who has called him or her to testify Direct sum of modules, a construction in abstract algebra which combines… …   Wikipedia

  • direct — direct, ecte (di rèkt, rè kt ; au pluriel masculin l s ne se lie jamais : des avis di rekt et pressants ; la prononciation de la finale ct, cts, au masculin singulier ou pluriel est mal assurée ; on entend quelquefois prononcer di rè, comme… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • direct — vb 1 Direct, address, devote, apply are comparable when used reflexively with the meaning to turn or bend one s attention, energies, or abilities to something or when meaning to turn, bend, or point (as one s attention, thoughts, or efforts) to a …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Direct 8 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Direct 8 Nombre público Direct 8 Eslogan La nouvelle grande chaîne généraliste Programación Generalista Propietario Bolloré País …   Wikipedia Español

  • Direct — Di*rect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Directed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Directing}.] 1. To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance. [1913 Webster] 2. To point… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • direct — [də rekt′; ] also [ dīrekt′] adj. [ME < L directus, pp. of dirigere, to lay straight, direct < di , apart, from + regere, to keep straight, rule: see REGAL] 1. by the shortest way, without turning or stopping; not roundabout; not… …   English World dictionary

  • Direct 8 — Launched 31 March 2005 Owned by Groupe Canal+ Picture format 576i (SDTV) 1080i (HDTV) Audience share 2.4% (October 2011 …   Wikipedia

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