

Your car will last longer if you take care of it.


Even when cut, the flowers last very well.

forever, indefinitely

Nothing lasts forever.

With care, the vines will last indefinitely.


This type of happiness rarely lasts.


Happiness never lasts.


The storm could last quite a long time.

The good weather couldn't last.


The kids are all very enthusiastic, but it won't last.

be likely to, be sure to

a bruise that was sure to last for days

be unlikely to

I always thought his popularity was unlikely to last.

be expected to
seem to

The flight seemed to last forever.

be built to, be made to

This house was built to last.


The war lasted for three years.


The celebrations lasted well into the next week.


The effort began in November and lasted through February. (AmE)

She hoped they had enough firewood to last through the night. (BrE)


The trial is expected to last until the end of the week.

while sth lasts

Interest rates are at their lowest level for a decade. I suggest you enjoy it while it lasts.

Last is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑beauty, ↑bulb, ↑career, ↑ceasefire, ↑effect, ↑kiss, ↑marriage, ↑period, ↑relationship, ↑session, ↑siege, ↑stock, ↑storm, ↑strike, ↑supply, ↑truce, ↑war
Last is used with these nouns as the object: ↑hour, ↑lifetime, ↑minute, ↑moment
Last is used with these nouns: ↑act, ↑appearance, ↑autumn, ↑bend, ↑birthday, ↑boyfriend, ↑bus, ↑call, ↑century, ↑chance, ↑chapter, ↑check, ↑dance, ↑decade, ↑effort, ↑election, ↑encounter, ↑episode, ↑fall, ↑farewell, ↑favour, ↑flicker, ↑fling, ↑fortnight, ↑frontier, ↑frost, ↑generation, ↑girlfriend, ↑glimpse, ↑half, ↑haul, ↑hope, ↑hurdle, ↑illness, ↑incarnation, ↑instalment, ↑kiss, ↑lap, ↑leg, ↑minute, ↑moment, ↑month, ↑mouthful, ↑movement, ↑name, ↑night, ↑order, ↑page, ↑part, ↑phase, ↑post, ↑posting, ↑quarter, ↑ray, ↑recording, ↑refuge, ↑relic, ↑remnant, ↑request, ↑reserve, ↑round, ↑salute, ↑scene, ↑scrap, ↑semester, ↑session, ↑shred, ↑sip, ↑spring, ↑stage, ↑stand, ↑step, ↑summer, ↑survivor, ↑syllable, ↑thing, ↑third, ↑time, ↑train, ↑vestige, ↑visit, ↑voyage, ↑warning, ↑week, ↑weekend, ↑wilderness, ↑winter, ↑wish, ↑word, ↑year

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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