
Laugh-out-loud is used with these adjectives: ↑funny

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • laugh-out-loud — ˌlaugh out ˈloud 8 [laugh out loud] adjective (abbr. LOL) only before noun (informal) extremely funny • a laugh out loud m …   Useful english dictionary

  • Laugh Out Loud (web series) — infobox television show name = Laugh Out Loud bgcolour = caption = The LOL Logo (mostly seen on the crew shirts ) format = mockumentary, variety picture format = slogan = It s Time to Laugh, Out, Loud! runtime = 2 3 minutes creator = starring =… …   Wikipedia

  • out loud — clearly, so it can be heard by other people. My reaction to her suggestion was to laugh out loud. If you have something to say, you should say it out loud so the whole class can hear it …   New idioms dictionary

  • laugh — laugh1 W2S2 [la:f US læf] v [: Old English; Origin: hliehhan] 1.) to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny ▪ Maria looked at him and laughed. laugh at/about ▪ I didn t know what I was… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • laugh — 1 verb 1 MAKE SOUND (I) to make the sounds and movements of the face that people make when they think something is funny: Jonathan kept pulling funny faces at me, and I couldn t stop laughing. (+ at/about): I couldn t understand why they were all …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • loud — 1 adjective 1 making a lot of noise: a loud bang | That music s too loud. 2 someone who is loud talks too loudly and confidently: The more Tom drank, the louder he became. 3 loud clothes are unpleasantly bright: Butch was wearing a loud checked… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • laugh — [laf, läf] vi. [ME laughen < OE hleahhan, akin to Ger lachen (OHG hlahhan) < IE base * klēg , to cry out, sound > Gr klangē, L clangor] 1. to make the explosive sounds of the voice, and the characteristic movements of the features and… …   English World dictionary

  • loud, loudly — Loud can be both an adjective and an adverb, but loudly may be used only as the latter. It is permissible to say Shout out loud or Shout out loudly. Such optional usage is common after such verbs as sing, talk, say, scream, and laugh, but among… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • laugh — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sound/act of laughing ADJECTIVE ▪ loud ▪ light, little, short, slight, small, soft ▪ deep …   Collocations dictionary

  • laugh — I n. 1) to get a laugh (the joke got a big laugh) 2) to stifle, suppress a laugh 3) a belly; derisive; forced; hearty, loud; infectious; sardonic; subdued laugh 4) (misc.) to have the last laugh on smb.; to do smt. for a laugh (for laughs) II v.… …   Combinatory dictionary

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