
pass sth off as

He copied paintings of famous artists and passed them off as originals.

in the original

to read Tolstoy in the original

extremely, fairly, very, etc.
highly, startlingly (esp. BrE), truly

She has a highly original mind.

a startlingly original idea


They are tackling the problem in a completely original way.

Original is used with these nouns: ↑aim, ↑art, ↑beam, ↑blueprint, ↑building, ↑cast, ↑character, ↑composition, ↑concept, ↑conception, ↑condition, ↑content, ↑context, ↑contract, ↑copy, ↑design, ↑diagnosis, ↑document, ↑draft, ↑drawing, ↑edition, ↑ending, ↑estimate, ↑expectation, ↑feature, ↑finding, ↑fitting, ↑fixture, ↑form, ↑founder, ↑function, ↑homeland, ↑idea, ↑impetus, ↑impulse, ↑incarnation, ↑inhabitant, ↑insight, ↑intention, ↑interior, ↑investment, ↑invoice, ↑language, ↑manuscript, ↑material, ↑meaning, ↑member, ↑motivation, ↑name, ↑negative, ↑novel, ↑occupant, ↑owner, ↑packaging, ↑painting, ↑piece, ↑plan, ↑position, ↑post, ↑posting, ↑production, ↑projection, ↑proposal, ↑purpose, ↑receipt, ↑recipe, ↑recording, ↑report, ↑request, ↑research, ↑ruling, ↑score, ↑script, ↑series, ↑settler, ↑shape, ↑show, ↑signatory, ↑sin, ↑sketch, ↑song, ↑soundtrack, ↑source, ↑specification, ↑spelling, ↑splendour, ↑story, ↑study, ↑style, ↑tale, ↑tape, ↑text, ↑thinker, ↑thinking, ↑thought, ↑title, ↑track, ↑version, ↑wording, ↑work

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Original- — Original …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • original — original, ale 1. (o ri ji nal, na l ) adj. 1°   Qui a un caractère d origine, primitif. Le tableau original. Les textes originaux. J ai lu la lettre originale. L édition originale d un livre. La copie originale d un tableau. •   Il a publié avec… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Original Me — Studio album by Cascada Released June 17, 2011 ( …   Wikipedia

  • original — ORIGINÁL, Ă, originali, e, adj. 1. (Despre acte, documente, opere artistice şi literare, fotografii etc.; adesea substantivat, n.) Care constituie întâiul exemplar, care a servit sau poate servi drept bază pentru copii, reproduceri sau… …   Dicționar Român

  • original — Original, [origina]le. adj. Qui n est copié sur aucun modele, sur aucun exemplaire. Titre original. piece originale, un tableau original. pensée originale. cela n est point imité, point emprunté. cela est original. Il est aussi substantif, & il… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • original — o‧rig‧i‧nal [əˈrɪdʒnl, dʒnəl] adjective [only before a noun] happening or existing first: • Which is theoriginal document and which is the copy? • The index linked certificates were paying indexation plus 4% of the original investment.… …   Financial and business terms

  • original — orig·i·nal n 1: that from which a copy or reproduction is made both parties signed the original compare duplicate 2: a work composed firsthand as the product of an author s creativity ◇ A work must be an original in order to obtain a copyright.… …   Law dictionary

  • original — adjetivo 1. Del origen: Según la Biblia, Adán y Eva cometieron el pecado original. ¿Cuál es la causa original, el principio de todo? La idea original era hacer un parque, pero han hecho un aparcamiento. 2. (antepuesto / pospuesto) Que es… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Original Me — Álbum de estudio de Cascada Publicación 19 de Junio, 2011 Grabación 2009 2011 Plazmatek Studio,Yanou Studio 1 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Original — O*rig i*nal, a. [F. original, L. originalis.] [1913 Webster] 1. Pertaining to the origin or beginning; preceding all others; first in order; primitive; primary; pristine; as, the original state of man; the original laws of a country; the original …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • original — (Del lat. originālis). 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al origen. 2. Dicho de una obra científica, artística, literaria o de cualquier otro género: Que resulta de la inventiva de su autor. Escritura, cuadro original. U. t. c. s. m. [m6]El… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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