
Raise is used after these nouns: ↑merit, ↑pay, ↑salary
Raise is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑appeal, ↑case, ↑finance, ↑lottery, ↑wolf
Raise is used with these nouns as the object: ↑age, ↑alarm, ↑alert, ↑anchor, ↑animal, ↑arm, ↑army, ↑awareness, ↑baton, ↑beaker, ↑bid, ↑binoculars, ↑blind, ↑bow, ↑brow, ↑capital, ↑cash, ↑cattle, ↑ceiling, ↑challenge, ↑cheer, ↑chicken, ↑child, ↑chin, ↑cholesterol, ↑clamour, ↑complaint, ↑confidence, ↑consciousness, ↑corn, ↑criticism, ↑crop, ↑cry, ↑cup, ↑daughter, ↑defence, ↑dividend, ↑doubt, ↑duty, ↑earnings, ↑employment, ↑esteem, ↑excise, ↑expectation, ↑eye, ↑eyebrow, ↑family, ↑fare, ↑fear, ↑fee, ↑finger, ↑fist, ↑flag, ↑foot, ↑forecast, ↑fund, ↑funding, ↑fuss, ↑game, ↑glass, ↑grade, ↑gun, ↑hand, ↑hat, ↑hatch, ↑head, ↑hip, ↑hope, ↑intake, ↑invoice, ↑issue, ↑kid, ↑laugh, ↑level, ↑lid, ↑likelihood, ↑limit, ↑loan, ↑matter, ↑money, ↑morale, ↑objection, ↑outcry, ↑palm, ↑pay, ↑pension, ↑per cent, ↑petition, ↑pig, ↑pistol, ↑point, ↑possibility, ↑poultry, ↑premium, ↑prestige, ↑price, ↑problem, ↑productivity, ↑profile, ↑prospect, ↑quality, ↑query, ↑question, ↑rate, ↑rebellion, ↑rent, ↑revenue, ↑rifle, ↑risk, ↑sail, ↑salary, ↑sheep, ↑shield, ↑shotgun, ↑siege, ↑sight, ↑smile, ↑son, ↑spear, ↑spectre, ↑speculation, ↑speed limit, ↑spirit, ↑sponsorship, ↑stake, ↑standard, ↑status, ↑stink, ↑storm, ↑subject, ↑sum, ↑suspicion, ↑tariff, ↑tax, ↑taxation, ↑temperature, ↑tempo, ↑threshold, ↑thumb, ↑toast, ↑topic, ↑tuition, ↑turkey, ↑twin, ↑value, ↑velocity, ↑visibility, ↑voice, ↑wage, ↑weapon, ↑wreck

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Raise — (r[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Raised} (r[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Raising}.] [OE. reisen, Icel. reisa, causative of r[=i]sa to rise. See {Rise}, and cf. {Rear} to raise.] [1913 Webster] 1. To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • raise — [rāz] vt. raised, raising [ME raisen < ON reisa, caus. of risa, to RISE] 1. a) to cause to rise; move to a higher level; lift; elevate b) to bring to or place in an upright position 2. to construct or erect (a building, etc.) …   English World dictionary

  • RAISE — ( Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering ) was developed as part of the European ESPRIT II LaCoS project in the 1990s, led by Dines Bjørner. It consists of a set of tools based around a specification language (RSL) for software… …   Wikipedia

  • raise — ► VERB 1) lift or move to a higher position or level. 2) set upright. 3) increase the amount, level, or strength of. 4) promote to a higher rank. 5) cause to be heard, felt, or considered: doubts have been raised. 6) build (a structure). 7) …   English terms dictionary

  • raise — [n] increase in salary or position accession, accretion, addition, advance, augmentation, boost, bump, hike, hold up*, increment, jump, jump up*, leg*, leg up*, move up*, promotion, raising, rise, step up*; concepts 344,351,763 Ant. decrease,… …   New thesaurus

  • raise — I (advance) verb aggrandize, augment, boost, bring up, dignify, elevate, enhance, enlarge, ennoble, exalt, further, glorify, heighten, honor, increase, lift, move up, prize, promote, propose, provehere, put, suggest, uplift, upraise associated… …   Law dictionary

  • raise — raise; raise·man; …   English syllables

  • raise — raise, rise nouns An increase of salary is called a rise in BrE and a raise in AmE …   Modern English usage

  • raise v — raise your eyebrows, raisin n …   English expressions

  • raise — vb 1 *lift, elevate, hoist, heave, rear, boost Analogous words: *rise, ascend, mount, soar: *exalt, magnify, aggrandize: *advance, promote, forward, further 2 * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • raise — raise1 W1S2 [reız] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move higher)¦ 2¦(increase)¦ 3¦(collect money)¦ 4¦(improve)¦ 5¦(start a subject)¦ 6¦(cause a reaction)¦ 7¦(move eyes or face)¦ 8¦(move upright)¦ 9¦(children)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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