- express
- {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verbADVERB▪ well▪
Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.
▪ fully▪She expresses herself most fully in her paintings.
▪ forcefully, strongly▪ repeatedly▪ explicitly▪ openly, publicly▪He expressed his anger openly.
▪ privately▪ freely▪Differences of opinion were freely expressed in public debate.
▪ clearly▪ simply▪ cogently▪Students must learn to express a point of view cogently and with clarity.
▪ exactly, precisely▪ concisely, succinctly▪ eloquently▪The poet eloquently expresses the sense of lost innocence.
VERB + EXPRESS▪ be able to, feel able to▪ be unable to, feel unable to▪Many patients feel unable to express their fears.
▪ find it difficult toPHRASES▪ a chance to express sth, an opportunity to express sthExpress is used with these nouns as the object: ↑admiration, ↑affection, ↑aggression, ↑alarm, ↑alienation, ↑amazement, ↑ambivalence, ↑anger, ↑annoyance, ↑antagonism, ↑antipathy, ↑anxiety, ↑appreciation, ↑apprehension, ↑approval, ↑astonishment, ↑attitude, ↑belief, ↑bitterness, ↑concern, ↑condemnation, ↑condolences, ↑confidence, ↑congratulations, ↑consternation, ↑contempt, ↑conviction, ↑creativity, ↑criticism, ↑delight, ↑desire, ↑determination, ↑devotion, ↑disagreement, ↑disappointment, ↑disapproval, ↑disbelief, ↑discontent, ↑disdain, ↑disgust, ↑dislike, ↑dismay, ↑displeasure, ↑dissatisfaction, ↑dissent, ↑distaste, ↑distress, ↑distrust, ↑doubt, ↑emotion, ↑empathy, ↑enthusiasm, ↑envy, ↑essence, ↑exasperation, ↑exuberance, ↑faith, ↑fear, ↑feeling, ↑frustration, ↑fury, ↑gratitude, ↑grief, ↑grievance, ↑hatred, ↑hope, ↑horror, ↑hostility, ↑idea, ↑identity, ↑impatience, ↑indifference, ↑indignation, ↑individuality, ↑interest, ↑irritation, ↑joy, ↑judgement, ↑love, ↑loyalty, ↑meaning, ↑milk, ↑misgivings, ↑need, ↑opinion, ↑opposition, ↑optimism, ↑outrage, ↑pain, ↑passion, ↑personality, ↑pessimism, ↑point of view, ↑preference, ↑prejudice, ↑pride, ↑proposition, ↑rage, ↑readiness, ↑regret, ↑relief, ↑reluctance, ↑remorse, ↑resentment, ↑reservation, ↑revulsion, ↑sadness, ↑satisfaction, ↑scepticism, ↑self, ↑sentiment, ↑sexuality, ↑shock, ↑solidarity, ↑sorrow, ↑support, ↑surprise, ↑suspicion, ↑sympathy, ↑thanks, ↑thought, ↑uncertainty, ↑unease, ↑unhappiness, ↑view, ↑viewpoint, ↑willingness, ↑wish, ↑wonder, ↑worry, ↑yearning{{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}}adj.Express is used with these nouns: ↑aim, ↑authorization, ↑checkout, ↑coach, ↑consent, ↑delivery, ↑elevator, ↑instruction, ↑lane, ↑mail, ↑permission, ↑provision, ↑reference, ↑term, ↑train, ↑undertaking, ↑wish
Collocations dictionary. 2013.