- good
- {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} nounADJECTIVE▪ common▪
The results of the research should be used for the common good.
VERB + GOOD▪ do (sb)▪You can try talking to her, but I don't think it will do much good.
▪It will do you good to get out of the house more often.
PREPOSITION▪ for sb/sth's good▪When the his health problems continued, he resigned for the good of the party.
PHRASES▪ a force for good▪In disadvantaged areas, schools can be a force for good.
▪ for sb's (own) good▪I know you don't want to go into the hospital, but it's for your own good.
▪ for the good of sth, good and evil▪the struggle between good and evil
▪ a power of good▪{{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}}That break has done me a power of good.
adj.VERBS▪ be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste▪ become, get▪She's getting very good at reading now.
ADVERB▪ dead (BrE), extremely, really, very▪a really good movie
▪ especially, particularly▪ perfectly▪Why ruin a perfectly good story?
▪ fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably▪You've done a pretty good job.
▪ surprisingly▪The food was surprisingly good.
PREPOSITION▪ at▪He's very good at music.
▪ for▪Vegetables are good for you.
▪ to▪She was very good to me when my husband died.
▪ with▪She's good with figures.
Good is used with these nouns: ↑acceleration, ↑access, ↑accommodation, ↑accompaniment, ↑account, ↑acting, ↑actor, actress, ↑administration, ↑advertisement, ↑advice, ↑album, ↑ale, ↑alibi, ↑alternative, ↑amount, ↑analogy, ↑answer, ↑antidote, ↑appetite, ↑approximation, ↑argument, ↑arm, ↑article, ↑assessment, ↑athlete, ↑attendance, ↑attitude, ↑baby, ↑balance, ↑ball, ↑bargain, ↑barometer, ↑barrister, ↑beer, ↑behaviour, ↑bet, ↑bit, ↑blend, ↑bloke, ↑book, ↑boy, ↑brain, ↑breakfast, ↑breeding, ↑builder, ↑bunch, ↑business, ↑businessman, businesswoman, ↑camouflage, ↑campaigner, ↑candidate, ↑care, ↑case, ↑cast, ↑catch, ↑Catholic, ↑cause, ↑champagne, ↑chance, ↑chap, ↑character, ↑chat, ↑chef, ↑child, ↑childhood, ↑choice, ↑cholesterol, ↑Christian, ↑Christmas, ↑chuckle, ↑circulation, ↑citizen, ↑claim, ↑clue, ↑coach, ↑coffee, ↑collection, ↑colour, ↑combination, ↑comeback, ↑command, ↑commentary, ↑common sense, ↑communication, ↑companion, ↑company, ↑comparison, ↑complement, ↑compromise, ↑concentration, ↑condition, ↑conduct, ↑conductor, ↑connection, ↑conscience, ↑consequence, ↑consistency, ↑constitution, ↑contact, ↑contest, ↑conversation, ↑cook, ↑cooking, ↑coordination, ↑copy, ↑correlation, ↑counsel, ↑craftsman, ↑credentials, ↑critic, ↑crop, ↑cross section, ↑crowd, ↑cry, ↑customer, ↑cut, ↑dancer, ↑daughter, ↑day, ↑deal, ↑decision, ↑deed, ↑defence, ↑degree, ↑dentist, ↑description, ↑design, ↑designer, ↑deterrent, ↑dictionary, ↑diet, ↑digestion, ↑dinner, ↑diplomat, ↑direction, ↑discipline, ↑discount, ↑disguise, ↑display, ↑distance, ↑distraction, ↑doctor, ↑dog, ↑driver, ↑driving, ↑ear, ↑eater, ↑education, ↑employer, ↑ending, ↑entertainment, ↑entrepreneur, ↑estimate, ↑evidence, ↑example, ↑excuse, ↑execution, ↑exercise, ↑experience, ↑explanation, ↑eye, ↑eyesight, ↑facility, ↑fairy, ↑faith, ↑father, ↑favour, ↑feedback, ↑feeling, ↑fellow, ↑fight, ↑figure, ↑film, ↑find, ↑finish, ↑fisherman, ↑fishing, ↑fit, ↑flavour, ↑flow, ↑foil, ↑folk, ↑food, ↑football, ↑footballer, ↑footing, ↑footwork, ↑forecast, ↑form, ↑formula, ↑fortune, ↑foundation, ↑friend, ↑friendship, ↑fun, ↑fundamentals, ↑gag, ↑gallop, ↑game, ↑gardener, ↑gauge, ↑goal, ↑goalkeeper, ↑golfer, ↑gossip, ↑government, ↑GP, ↑grade, ↑grammar, ↑grasp, ↑grip, ↑ground, ↑grounding, ↑guess, ↑guide, ↑guideline, ↑guy, ↑gymnast, ↑habit, ↑haircut, ↑hand, ↑handful, ↑handwriting, ↑harbour, ↑harvest, ↑head, ↑health, health service, ↑hearing, ↑heart, ↑holiday, ↑home, ↑horse, ↑host, ↑hotel, ↑housekeeping, ↑housing, ↑humour, ↑husband, ↑hygiene, ↑idea, ↑illumination, ↑illustration, ↑image, ↑imitation, ↑impression, ↑incentive, ↑index, ↑indication, ↑indicator, ↑influence, ↑ingredient, ↑insight, ↑instinct, ↑instrument, ↑intelligence, ↑interviewer, ↑investment, ↑job, ↑joke, ↑journalism, ↑journalist, ↑journey, ↑judge, ↑judgement, ↑kick, ↑kid, ↑kind, ↑lad, ↑land, ↑laugh, ↑lawyer, ↑lead, ↑leader, ↑leadership, ↑leg, ↑lesson, ↑leverage, ↑liaison, ↑liar, ↑library, ↑life, ↑light, ↑lighting, ↑likeness, ↑listener, ↑living, ↑look, ↑loser, ↑lover, ↑luck, ↑man, ↑management, ↑manner, ↑margin, ↑mark, ↑market, ↑marketing, ↑marriage, ↑match, ↑mate, ↑material, ↑mechanic, ↑memory, ↑metaphor, ↑method, ↑mileage, ↑mix, ↑mixture, ↑model, ↑moment, ↑mood, ↑moral, ↑morale, ↑mother, ↑motive, ↑move, ↑movie, ↑mum, ↑music, ↑musician, ↑name, ↑nature, ↑navigation, ↑negotiator, ↑neighbour, ↑neighbourhood, ↑news, ↑novel, ↑number, ↑nutrition, ↑odds, ↑offer, ↑omen, ↑opinion, ↑opportunity, ↑option, ↑outcome, ↑outlook, ↑pace, ↑painter, ↑painting, ↑parent, ↑part, ↑partnership, ↑pass, ↑pension, ↑people, ↑performance, ↑performer, ↑person, ↑photograph, ↑photographer, ↑physique, ↑piece, ↑pitch, ↑place, ↑plan, ↑play, ↑player, ↑ploy, ↑poem, ↑poet, ↑poetry, ↑point, ↑pointer, ↑portion, ↑position, ↑possibility, ↑post, ↑posture, ↑practice, ↑preacher, ↑precedent, ↑prediction, ↑preparation, ↑presentation, ↑price, ↑product, ↑profit, ↑progress, ↑pronunciation, ↑proof, ↑proportion, ↑prospect, ↑protection, ↑pub, ↑publicity, ↑punch, ↑pupil, ↑quality, ↑question, ↑range, ↑rapport, ↑rate, ↑rating, ↑reaction, ↑read, ↑reader, ↑reading, ↑reason, ↑reception, ↑recipe, ↑record, ↑recording, ↑recovery, ↑reference, ↑reflection, ↑reflex, ↑relation, ↑relationship, ↑remedy, ↑reminder, ↑report, ↑representation, ↑reproduction, ↑reputation, ↑resolution, ↑response, ↑rest, ↑restaurant, ↑result, ↑return, ↑review, ↑rhythm, ↑rinse, ↑risk, ↑road, ↑ruler, ↑run, ↑runner, ↑sailor, ↑salary, ↑sale, ↑salesman, ↑sanitation, ↑save, ↑schooling, ↑science, ↑scientist, ↑score, ↑script, ↑scrub, ↑seat, ↑selection, ↑self, ↑sense, ↑sense of humour, ↑servant, ↑service, ↑sex, ↑shake, ↑shape, ↑shop, ↑shot, ↑shove, ↑showing, ↑side, ↑sign, ↑singer, ↑singing, ↑site, ↑size, ↑skill, ↑skin, ↑sleep, ↑smack, ↑sniff, ↑society, ↑soil, ↑soldier, ↑solicitor, ↑solution, ↑son, ↑song, ↑soul, ↑sound, ↑source, ↑speaker, ↑specimen, ↑speech, ↑speed, ↑spell, ↑spot, ↑spread, ↑squad, ↑stab, ↑stance, ↑standing, ↑start, ↑starting point, ↑state, ↑steward, ↑stir, ↑stock, ↑store, ↑story, ↑strategy, ↑stretch, ↑student, ↑subject, ↑substitute, ↑suggestion, ↑suit, ↑sum, ↑summary, ↑summer, ↑suntan, ↑supply, ↑support, ↑surgeon, ↑sweat, ↑swig, ↑swimmer, ↑talk, ↑taste, ↑teacher, ↑teaching, ↑teamwork, ↑temper, ↑temperament, ↑test, ↑testament, ↑theatre, ↑thing, ↑thinking, ↑thought, ↑thrashing, ↑time, ↑timing, ↑tip, ↑tooth, ↑track record, ↑translation, ↑treatment, ↑trick, ↑trip, ↑try, ↑tug, ↑tune, ↑turnout, ↑tutor, ↑tutorial, ↑typist, ↑upbringing, ↑use, ↑value, ↑variety, ↑ventilation, ↑view, ↑visibility, ↑voice, ↑wage, ↑walk, ↑wash, ↑washing, ↑way, ↑weather, ↑while, ↑whisky, ↑wife, ↑wind, ↑wine, ↑wish, ↑woman, ↑word, ↑work, ↑worker, ↑workman, ↑workmanship, ↑workout, ↑writer, ↑writing, ↑yardstick, ↑yarn, ↑year, ↑yield
Collocations dictionary. 2013.