
accurately, correctly, properly, rightly
erroneously, incorrectly, mistakenly, wrongly

Different people might interpret events differently.

broadly, liberally

The term ‘business’ is here interpreted broadly to include all types of organization in the public and private sectors.

The strictness of the rules, even when liberally interpreted, has the effect of restricting innovation.

narrowly, restrictively (BrE), strictly
faithfully (esp. AmE)

judges who will faithfully interpret the Constitution

easily, readily

These figures cannot be easily interpreted.


These results must be interpreted cautiously.

be difficult to, be hard to
be able to, be unable to
attempt to, seek to, try to

We all seek to interpret what we hear and what we read.


Her message was interpreted as a warning to the general.

be interpreted to mean sth

The title could be interpreted to mean ‘human intelligence’.

be variously interpreted (as sth)

The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted (= interpreted in various ways).

be widely interpreted as sth

Her resignation has been widely interpreted as an admission of her guilt.

Interpret is used with these nouns as the object: ↑constitution, ↑data, ↑dream, ↑fact, ↑finding, ↑information, ↑law, ↑meaning, ↑passage, ↑remark, ↑result, ↑role, ↑rule, ↑scan, ↑scripture, ↑sign, ↑statute, ↑symbol, ↑symptom, ↑teaching, ↑text, ↑tone

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • interpret — INTERPRÉT, Ă, interpreţi, te, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care traduce pe loc şi oral ceea ce spune cineva în altă limbă, mijlocind astfel înţelegerea dintre două sau mai multe persoane; translator, tălmaci. 2. fig. Persoană care exprimă năzuinţele… …   Dicționar Român

  • interpret — in·ter·pret /in tər prət/ vt: to explain or tell the meaning of (as a document) esp. in order to determine intent they must interpret the provisions of the Constitution L. H. Tribe Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Interpret — In*ter pret, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Interpreted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Interpreting}.] [F. interpr[^e]ter, L. interpretari, p. p. interpretatus, fr. interpres interpeter, agent, negotiator; inter between + (prob.) the root of pretium price. See {Price} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interpret — [in tʉr′prət] vt. [ME interpreten < MFr intepréter < L interpretari < interpres, agent between two parties, broker, interpreter] 1. to explain the meaning of; make understandable [to interpret a poem] 2. to translate (esp. oral remarks)… …   English World dictionary

  • Interpret — In*ter pret, v. i. To act as an interpreter. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Interpret — steht für: eine Person, die (meist aufgrund einer vorangegangen Analyse) eine Deutung vornimmt, siehe Interpretation in der Musik darüber auch den Darbieter eines Werks, siehe Interpretation (Musik) in der Softwaretechnik ein Computerprogramm,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Interpret — (v. lat.), 1) Unterhändler; 2) Dolmetscher, Ausleger. Daher Interpretiren, auslegen, erklären. Interpretation, Auffindung u. Darstellung des wahren Sinnes einer Schrift od. einer einzelnen Stelle, daher so v.w. Auslegung, Erklärung: A) Die I.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Interprēt — (lat.), Dolmetsch, Erklärer …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Interpret — (lat. interpres, bei Tertullian interpretator), die Mittelsperson, der Unterhändler (z.B. für Bestechungen bei den Wahlen im alten Rom), Dolmetscher, Ausleger, Erklärer, Uebersetzer. I.ation, die Auslegung, Erklärung im allgemeinsten Sinne; s.… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • intèrprēt — m 〈G interpréta〉 ekspr., {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}interpretator{{/ref}} …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • Interpret — Interpret,der:1.⇨Erklärer–2.⇨Sänger(1) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

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