
1 finish sth
on schedule, on time

The project has now been successfully completed.

just, recently

We have recently completed a 10-year study.

fully, partially

I've fully completed my training.

2 write information
accurately, correctly

Has the form been correctly completed?

Complete is used with these nouns as the object: ↑acquisition, ↑arrangement, ↑assessment, ↑assignment, ↑building, ↑check, ↑checklist, ↑circuit, ↑collection, ↑conquest, ↑construction, ↑coupon, ↑course, ↑crossing, ↑cycle, ↑deal, ↑degree, ↑diploma, ↑dissertation, ↑doctorate, ↑draft, ↑duty, ↑education, ↑enquiry, ↑errand, ↑evaluation, ↑exercise, ↑form, ↑formality, ↑grade, ↑high school, ↑inspection, ↑inventory, ↑investigation, ↑job, ↑journey, ↑lap, ↑level, ↑look, ↑manoeuvre, ↑manuscript, ↑marathon, ↑master, ↑merger, ↑mission, ↑module, ↑move, ↑negotiation, ↑novel, ↑objective, ↑orbit, ↑order, ↑outfit, ↑painting, ↑paperwork, ↑pass, ↑passage, ↑phase, ↑picture, ↑preparation, ↑procedure, ↑process, ↑programme, ↑project, ↑puzzle, ↑questionnaire, ↑quiz, ↑renovation, ↑repair, ↑repetition, ↑report, ↑restoration, ↑review, ↑revision, ↑revolution, ↑ritual, ↑round, ↑rout, ↑sale, ↑schooling, ↑semester, ↑sentence, ↑sequence, ↑set, ↑stint, ↑study, ↑survey, ↑task, ↑term, ↑test, ↑thesis, ↑training, ↑transaction, ↑transformation, ↑transition, ↑treatment, ↑trial, ↑trip, ↑voyage, ↑work, ↑workout
1 having/including all the parts
be, seem

The book survives complete only in the second edition of 1533.

make sth

You've made my life complete.


a remarkably complete account of the negotiations


A very complete index provides easy reference to topics in the book.

far from, less than, not quite
almost, essentially, largely, nearly, virtually
fairly, reasonably, relatively
2 finished
be, seem
almost, nearly, substantially, virtually

The job is almost complete.

far from
not yet
Complete is used with these nouns: ↑absence, ↑acceptance, ↑accuracy, ↑advantage, ↑agreement, ↑amateur, ↑amazement, ↑anarchy, ↑annihilation, ↑anonymity, ↑answer, ↑antithesis, ↑astonishment, ↑authority, ↑autonomy, ↑ban, ↑beginner, ↑bibliography, ↑blockade, ↑blockage, ↑bore, ↑break, ↑breakdown, ↑catastrophe, ↑ceasefire, ↑census, ↑certainty, ↑change, ↑chaos, ↑check, ↑circle, ↑circuit, ↑clarity, ↑closure, ↑cock-up, ↑coincidence, ↑collapse, ↑collection, ↑comfort, ↑command, ↑commitment, ↑confidence, ↑confidentiality, ↑conformity, ↑confusion, ↑consistency, ↑contempt, ↑contradiction, ↑contrast, ↑control, ↑conviction, ↑cooperation, ↑cure, ↑cycle, ↑darkness, ↑dedication, ↑defeat, ↑departure, ↑dependence, ↑description, ↑despair, ↑destruction, ↑detachment, ↑detail, ↑devastation, ↑devotion, ↑disappearance, ↑disappointment, ↑disarmament, ↑disarray, ↑disaster, ↑disbelief, ↑discretion, ↑disgust, ↑disintegration, ↑disorder, ↑disregard, ↑disrespect, ↑document, ↑dominance, ↑domination, ↑embargo, ↑equality, ↑examination, ↑exclusion, ↑exemption, ↑exhaustion, ↑explanation, ↑failure, ↑faith, ↑farce, ↑flop, ↑fool, ↑forgiveness, ↑freedom, ↑freeze, ↑fulfilment, ↑gamut, ↑garbage, ↑guide, ↑halt, ↑harmony, ↑helplessness, ↑honesty, ↑idiot, ↑ignorance, ↑immunity, ↑impartiality, ↑inability, ↑independence, ↑index, ↑indifference, ↑information, ↑innocence, ↑integration, ↑integrity, ↑inventory, ↑isolation, ↑jerk, ↑knowledge, ↑lack, ↑liberty, ↑lie, ↑list, ↑loser, ↑loyalty, ↑lunatic, ↑madness, ↑mastery, ↑mess, ↑misery, ↑misunderstanding, ↑mystery, ↑myth, ↑nightmare, ↑nonsense, ↑novice, ↑obedience, ↑obscurity, ↑omission, ↑openness, ↑opposite, ↑outfit, ↑outsider, ↑overhaul, ↑overview, ↑package, ↑panic, ↑paralysis, ↑physical, ↑picture, ↑privacy, ↑protection, ↑range, ↑reappraisal, ↑reconstruction, ↑record, ↑recording, ↑recovery, ↑refusal, ↑relaxation, ↑reliance, ↑relief, ↑removal, ↑renovation, ↑replacement, ↑report, ↑resolution, ↑responsibility, ↑rest, ↑restoration, ↑rethink, ↑return, ↑reversal, ↑review, ↑revision, ↑revolution, ↑rubbish, ↑ruin, ↑safety, ↑satisfaction, ↑seclusion, ↑secrecy, ↑segregation, ↑sense, ↑sentence, ↑separation, ↑sequence, ↑seriousness, ↑service, ↑set, ↑shake-up, ↑shock, ↑silence, ↑sincerity, ↑skeleton, ↑solution, ↑specification, ↑specimen, ↑spectrum, ↑standstill, ↑stranger, ↑stupidity, ↑submission, ↑success, ↑support, ↑surprise, ↑surrender, ↑switch, ↑text, ↑theory, ↑transcript, ↑transformation, ↑trust, ↑truth, ↑turn, ↑U-turn, ↑understanding, ↑unity, ↑unknown, ↑version, ↑victory, ↑waste, ↑withdrawal, ↑work, ↑wreck

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Complete Me — Studio album by Frankmusik Released 31 July 2009 ( …   Wikipedia

  • complete — I (all embracing) adjective absolute all, all comprehending, all comprehensive, all covering, all inclusive, all pervading, all sufficing, blanket, broad based, capacious, comprehensive, consummate, developed, encyclopedic, entire, exhaustive,… …   Law dictionary

  • Complete Me — Álbum de estudio de Frankmusik Publicación 3 de agosto de 2009 Género(s) Electropop, Synthpop, Dance pop, Electrónica Duración 45:23 …   Wikipedia Español

  • complete — [kəm plēt′] adj. [ME & OFr complet < L completus, pp. of complere, to fill up, complete < com , intens. + plere, to fill: see FULL1] 1. lacking no component part; full; whole; entire 2. brought to a conclusion; ended; finished 3. thorough;… …   English World dictionary

  • Complete II — Compilation album by X Japan Released October 1, 2005 Genre Heavy metal, speed metal, progressive metal, symphonic metal …   Wikipedia

  • Complete — Com*plete (k[o^]m*pl[=e]t ), a. [L. completus, p. p. of complere to fill up; com + plere to fill. See {Full}, a., and cf. {Comply}, {Compline}.] 1. Filled up; with no part or element lacking; free from deficiency; entire; perfect; consummate.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Complete — Com*plete , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Completed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Completing}.] To bring to a state in which there is no deficiency; to perfect; to consummate; to accomplish; to fulfill; to finish; as, to complete a task, or a poem; to complete a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • complete — [adj1] total, not lacking all, entire, exhaustive, faultless, full, full dress, gross, hook line and sinker*, imperforate, intact, integral, integrated, lock stock and barrel*, organic, outright, plenary, replete, the works*, thorough,… …   New thesaurus

  • complete — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having all the necessary or appropriate parts; entire. 2) having run its full course; finished. 3) to the greatest extent or degree; total. 4) skilled at every aspect of an activity: the complete footballer. 5) (complete with)… …   English terms dictionary

  • complété — complété, ée (kon plé té, tée) part. passé. Un recueil complété à grand peine …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • complete — (adj.) late 14c., from O.Fr. complet full, or directly from L. completus, pp. of complere to fill up, complete the number of (a legion, etc.), transferred to to fill, to fulfill, to finish (a task), from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com… …   Etymology dictionary

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