
be, look, seem
all too, very

Her suffering was all too real.

the very real danger of war


The possibility of being arrested was frighteningly real.


The pearls looked real enough.

real and/or imaginary, real and/or imagined

real or imagined threats to national security

Real is used with these nouns: ↑achievement, ↑advantage, ↑affection, ↑affinity, ↑agenda, ↑ale, ↑alternative, ↑amusement, ↑anger, ↑anguish, ↑answer, ↑appreciation, ↑artist, ↑asset, ↑assistance, ↑bargain, ↑battle, ↑beauty, ↑benefit, ↑bind, ↑bitterness, ↑blessing, ↑bonus, ↑boon, ↑bore, ↑breakthrough, ↑business, ↑cause, ↑challenge, ↑chance, ↑character, ↑charm, ↑class, ↑cock-up, ↑coffee, ↑commitment, ↑complex, ↑confidence, ↑connoisseur, ↑contender, ↑contest, ↑context, ↑conversation, ↑conviction, ↑cost, ↑coup, ↑credibility, ↑crime, ↑criminal, ↑crux, ↑culprit, ↑danger, ↑dedication, ↑degree, ↑delight, ↑democracy, ↑dent, ↑desire, ↑deterrent, ↑dialogue, ↑diamond, ↑difference, ↑difficulty, ↑dilemma, ↑disadvantage, ↑disappointment, ↑disaster, ↑dislike, ↑distinction, ↑distress, ↑doubt, ↑drawback, ↑earnings, ↑effort, ↑emergency, ↑emotion, ↑empathy, ↑enemy, ↑enjoyment, ↑enthusiasm, ↑essence, ↑excitement, ↑existence, ↑experience, ↑expert, ↑explanation, ↑family, ↑fan, ↑father, ↑fault, ↑fear, ↑feeling, ↑fight, ↑figure, ↑find, ↑flair, ↑focus, ↑food, ↑freedom, ↑friend, ↑friendship, ↑fur, ↑gain, ↑gem, ↑genius, ↑gentleman, ↑gold, ↑grief, ↑grievance, ↑growth, ↑hammering, ↑handicap, ↑hardship, ↑hazard, ↑headache, ↑heart, ↑heir, ↑help, ↑hero, ↑heroine, ↑heroism, ↑high, ↑highlight, ↑hit, ↑hope, ↑horror, ↑hunger, ↑hurry, ↑idiot, ↑impact, ↑importance, ↑improvement, ↑incentive, ↑incident, ↑income, ↑independence, ↑inequality, ↑initiative, ↑insight, ↑intention, ↑interest, ↑intimacy, ↑issue, ↑jerk, ↑job, ↑joy, ↑kick, ↑killer, ↑knack, ↑laugh, ↑leadership, ↑leather, ↑lesson, ↑life, ↑lifeline, ↑lift, ↑likelihood, ↑loser, ↑love, ↑luxury, ↑magic, ↑mark, ↑meaning, ↑menace, ↑merit, ↑mess, ↑miracle, ↑misery, ↑mother, ↑motivation, ↑motive, ↑mum, ↑murderer, ↑mystery, ↑name, ↑nature, ↑necessity, ↑need, ↑neighbourhood, ↑nightmare, ↑nuisance, ↑number, ↑opportunity, ↑option, ↑parent, ↑passion, ↑people, ↑pity, ↑pleasure, ↑possibility, ↑potential, ↑power, ↑privilege, ↑probability, ↑problem, ↑professional, ↑progress, ↑promise, ↑proof, ↑reason, ↑reduction, ↑reform, ↑regret, ↑relevance, ↑remorse, ↑return, ↑risk, ↑romantic, ↑sacrifice, ↑sadness, ↑scandal, ↑science, ↑self, ↑sense, ↑shame, ↑shock, ↑sign, ↑significance, ↑situation, ↑solution, ↑star, ↑stir, ↑strain, ↑strength, ↑struggle, ↑stumbling block, ↑style, ↑substance, ↑subtlety, ↑success, ↑suffering, ↑surprise, ↑suspense, ↑sympathy, ↑talent, ↑target, ↑taste, ↑tear, ↑tenderness, ↑tennis, ↑tension, ↑term, ↑terror, ↑test, ↑thing, ↑threat, ↑thrill, ↑tooth, ↑tragedy, ↑treat, ↑trial, ↑trick, ↑triumph, ↑trouble, ↑truth, ↑turning point, ↑understanding, ↑vacation, ↑value, ↑venom, ↑villain, ↑virtue, ↑wage, ↑warmth, ↑weakness, ↑winner, ↑world, ↑worry

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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