- personal
- adj.VERBS▪ be, feel, seem, sound▪
It felt too personal to tell you.
▪ become, get▪Am I getting too personal with them?
▪ make sth▪Then he made it rather personal and pulled my family into it.
ADVERB▪ deeply, intensely▪ purely, strictly▪The views expressed here are purely personal.
▪This is a strictly personal decision.
▪ uniquely▪The movie is a uniquely personal exploration of the effects of war.
▪ extremely, highly, very▪highly personal information
▪ ratherPersonal is used with these nouns: ↑abuse, ↑account, ↑accountability, ↑achievement, ↑acquaintance, ↑adjustment, ↑advancement, ↑advantage, ↑adviser, ↑affair, ↑affront, ↑agenda, ↑aide, ↑alarm, ↑ambition, ↑amusement, ↑anecdote, ↑anguish, ↑animosity, ↑antagonism, ↑antipathy, ↑appeal, ↑appearance, ↑archive, ↑aspiration, ↑assessment, ↑asset, ↑assistance, ↑assistant, ↑association, ↑assurance, ↑attachment, ↑attack, ↑attention, ↑attribute, ↑autonomy, ↑bankruptcy, ↑belief, ↑belongings, ↑benefit, ↑betrayal, ↑bias, ↑blog, ↑bodyguard, ↑budget, ↑call, ↑campaign, ↑capacity, ↑characteristic, ↑charge, ↑charm, ↑chemistry, ↑cheque, ↑choice, ↑circumstance, ↑cleanliness, ↑collection, ↑column, ↑comfort, ↑command, ↑comment, ↑commitment, ↑communication, ↑communion, ↑computer, ↑conduct, ↑confidence, ↑connection, ↑consideration, ↑consultation, ↑consumption, ↑contact, ↑contribution, ↑conversation, ↑conviction, ↑copy, ↑correspondence, ↑cost, ↑courage, ↑creativity, ↑credibility, ↑crisis, ↑crusade, ↑customer, ↑danger, ↑data, ↑dealings, ↑debt, ↑demon, ↑desire, ↑detail, ↑development, ↑devotion, ↑diary, ↑dignity, ↑dilemma, ↑dimension, ↑diplomacy, ↑disappointment, ↑disaster, ↑discipline, ↑discovery, ↑discretion, ↑dislike, ↑distaste, ↑distress, ↑donation, ↑doubt, ↑drive, ↑embarrassment, ↑encounter, ↑enmity, ↑enthusiasm, ↑envoy, ↑estate, ↑esteem, ↑ethics, ↑exemption, ↑expenditure, ↑expense, ↑experience, ↑exploration, ↑expression, ↑failing, ↑failure, ↑faith, ↑fantasy, ↑fault, ↑favour, ↑favourite, ↑feeling, ↑feud, ↑file, ↑finance, ↑fitness, ↑following, ↑fortune, ↑foul, ↑freedom, ↑friend, ↑friendship, ↑fulfilment, ↑gain, ↑glory, ↑goal, ↑greed, ↑greeting, ↑grief, ↑grievance, ↑growth, ↑grudge, ↑guarantee, ↑guard, ↑guilt, ↑habit, ↑happiness, ↑hardship, ↑health, ↑hell, ↑highlight, ↑history, ↑honour, ↑hope, ↑hostility, ↑hygiene, ↑identity, ↑immortality, ↑impact, ↑impression, ↑inadequacy, ↑inclination, ↑income, ↑independence, ↑indiscretion, ↑indulgence, ↑information, ↑initiative, ↑injury, ↑insight, ↑insult, ↑insurance, ↑integrity, ↑interest, ↑intervention, ↑interview, ↑investment, ↑invitation, ↑involvement, ↑item, ↑journal, ↑journey, ↑judgement, ↑knowledge, ↑leadership, ↑letter, ↑liberation, ↑liberty, ↑library, ↑life, ↑loan, ↑loneliness, ↑loyalty, ↑magnetism, ↑maid, ↑matter, ↑meeting, ↑memento, ↑memoir, ↑merit, ↑message, ↑milestone, ↑misery, ↑misfortune, ↑mobility, ↑moral, ↑morality, ↑motivation, ↑motive, ↑mythology, ↑name, ↑narrative, ↑nature, ↑need, ↑nightmare, ↑note, ↑observation, ↑opinion, ↑paper, ↑passion, ↑pension, ↑perspective, ↑philosophy, ↑physician, ↑plea, ↑pleasure, ↑point of view, ↑politics, ↑popularity, ↑possession, ↑predicament, ↑preference, ↑prejudice, ↑prerogative, ↑prestige, ↑pride, ↑privacy, ↑problem, ↑productivity, ↑profit, ↑pronoun, ↑property, ↑prosperity, ↑protection, ↑quality, ↑quarrel, ↑quest, ↑question, ↑quirk, ↑rapport, ↑rating, ↑reason, ↑recognition, ↑recollection, ↑recommendation, ↑record, ↑reflection, ↑relation, ↑relationship, ↑remark, ↑reply, ↑representative, ↑reputation, ↑requirement, ↑residence, ↑resource, ↑responsibility, ↑revelation, ↑risk, ↑rivalry, ↑sacrifice, ↑safety, ↑salvation, ↑satisfaction, ↑saving, ↑saviour, ↑scent, ↑secretary, ↑security, ↑servant, ↑service, ↑shopper, ↑shortcoming, ↑site, ↑slant, ↑slave, ↑space, ↑spite, ↑stake, ↑stamp, ↑standpoint, ↑story, ↑strength, ↑style, ↑subscription, ↑suffering, ↑supervision, ↑support, ↑taste, ↑tax, ↑taxation, ↑testimony, ↑thank you, ↑thanks, ↑tie, ↑torment, ↑touch, ↑tragedy, ↑trainer, ↑trait, ↑transformation, ↑triumph, ↑trust, ↑tuition, ↑turmoil, ↑tutor, ↑unhappiness, ↑use, ↑vanity, ↑vendetta, ↑view, ↑viewpoint, ↑virtue, ↑vision, ↑visit, ↑warmth, ↑weakness, ↑wealth, ↑website, ↑welfare, ↑well-being, ↑whim, ↑wish
Collocations dictionary. 2013.