
Extremely is used with these adjectives: ↑able, ↑abstract, ↑abusive, ↑accurate, ↑active, ↑adaptable, ↑addictive, ↑adept, ↑advanced, ↑advantageous, ↑afraid, ↑aggressive, ↑aggrieved, ↑agitated, ↑agreeable, ↑alarmed, ↑alarming, ↑alert, ↑ambitious, ↑ambivalent, ↑amiable, ↑amused, ↑amusing, ↑ancient, ↑angry, ↑annoyed, ↑annoying, ↑anxious, ↑apologetic, ↑appealing, ↑apprehensive, ↑appropriate, ↑articulate, ↑artificial, ↑attractive, ↑authoritarian, ↑awkward, ↑backward, ↑bad, ↑bad-tempered, ↑battered, ↑beautiful, ↑beneficial, ↑biased, ↑big, ↑bitter, ↑bizarre, ↑bleak, ↑bold, ↑bored, ↑boring, ↑brave, ↑breathless, ↑brief, ↑bright, ↑broad, ↑bureaucratic, ↑businesslike, ↑busy, ↑calm, ↑capable, ↑careful, ↑careless, ↑casual, ↑cautious, ↑challenging, ↑chaotic, ↑charming, ↑cheap, ↑cheerful, ↑chilly, ↑civil, ↑claustrophobic, ↑clean, ↑clear, ↑clever, ↑close, ↑cloudy, ↑cold, ↑comfortable, ↑comforting, ↑comical, ↑committed, ↑common, ↑compelling, ↑competent, ↑competitive, ↑complacent, ↑complex, ↑complicated, ↑complimentary, ↑composed, ↑comprehensive, ↑concerned, ↑confident, ↑confused, ↑confusing, ↑conscious, ↑conservative, ↑consistent, ↑conspicuous, ↑content, ↑contentious, ↑contrived, ↑controversial, ↑convenient, ↑conventional, ↑convincing, ↑cool, ↑cordial, ↑costly, ↑courageous, ↑courteous, ↑coy, ↑creative, ↑creepy, ↑critical, ↑cross, ↑crowded, ↑cruel, ↑curious, ↑cynical, ↑damaging, ↑damp, ↑dangerous, ↑dark, ↑dated, ↑decorative, ↑dedicated, ↑deep, ↑defensive, ↑delicate, ↑demanding, ↑dependable, ↑depressed, ↑depressing, ↑deprived, ↑desirable, ↑desperate, ↑despondent, ↑destructive, ↑detailed, ↑determined, ↑detrimental, ↑devoted, ↑difficult, ↑dignified, ↑direct, ↑dirty, ↑disadvantaged, ↑disappointed, ↑disappointing, ↑disconcerting, ↑disillusioned, ↑dismal, ↑dismissive, ↑disorganized, ↑disruptive, ↑dissatisfied, ↑distant, ↑distasteful, ↑distinctive, ↑distraught, ↑distressing, ↑disturbing, ↑diverse, ↑divisive, ↑dominant, ↑doubtful, ↑dramatic, ↑drunk, ↑dry, ↑dubious, ↑dull, ↑dumb, ↑dynamic, ↑eager, ↑early, ↑easy, ↑eccentric, ↑economical, ↑eerie, ↑effective, ↑efficient, ↑elaborate, ↑elegant, ↑eloquent, ↑elusive, ↑embarrassed, ↑embarrassing, ↑emotional, ↑emphatic, ↑encouraging, ↑energetic, ↑enigmatic, ↑enjoyable, ↑entertaining, ↑enthusiastic, ↑envious, ↑erotic, ↑erratic, ↑evident, ↑excitable, ↑excited, ↑exciting, ↑exclusive, ↑exhausting, ↑expensive, ↑experienced, ↑explicit, ↑explosive, ↑exposed, ↑expressive, ↑faint, ↑faithful, ↑familiar, ↑famous, ↑far-fetched, ↑fashionable, ↑fast, ↑favourable, ↑fearful, ↑feminine, ↑fertile, ↑fickle, ↑fine, ↑firm, ↑fit, ↑flammable, ↑flat, ↑flattered, ↑flattering, ↑flexible, ↑fluid, ↑flushed, ↑fond, ↑foolish, ↑formal, ↑formidable, ↑forthright, ↑fortunate, ↑fragile, ↑fragrant, ↑frail, ↑frank, ↑frequent, ↑fresh, ↑friendly, ↑frightened, ↑frightening, ↑fruitful, ↑frustrated, ↑frustrating, ↑full, ↑funny, ↑fuzzy, ↑generous, ↑gentle, ↑gifted, ↑glad, ↑glamorous, ↑good, ↑good-looking, ↑grateful, ↑gratifying, ↑gregarious, ↑gruesome, ↑guilty, ↑handsome, ↑handy, ↑haphazard, ↑happy, ↑hard, ↑harmful, ↑harsh, ↑hazardous, ↑hazy, ↑healthy, ↑heavy, ↑helpful, ↑hierarchical, ↑hoarse, ↑honest, ↑honoured, ↑hopeful, ↑hostile, ↑hot, ↑humorous, ↑hungry, ↑hurt, ↑ignorant, ↑ill, ↑illuminating, ↑imaginative, ↑immature, ↑immoral, ↑impatient, ↑impersonal, ↑impertinent, ↑implausible, ↑important, ↑impractical, ↑imprecise, ↑impressed, ↑impressionable, ↑impressive, ↑improbable, ↑inaccurate, ↑inadequate, ↑inappropriate, ↑inconvenient, ↑indignant, ↑ineffective, ↑inefficient, ↑inexpensive, ↑inexperienced, ↑inflexible, ↑influential, ↑informal, ↑informative, ↑infrequent, ↑ingenious, ↑inhibited, ↑insecure, ↑insensitive, ↑instructive, ↑insulting, ↑intelligent, ↑intense, ↑interested, ↑interesting, ↑intolerant, ↑intricate, ↑intriguing, ↑intrusive, ↑intuitive, ↑inventive, ↑involved, ↑ironic, ↑irresponsible, ↑irritated, ↑irritating, ↑isolated, ↑jealous, ↑keen, ↑kind, ↑knowledgeable, ↑lame, ↑large, ↑late, ↑lazy, ↑lengthy, ↑lenient, ↑liberal, ↑light, ↑light-headed, ↑likeable, ↑likely, ↑limited, ↑literate, ↑logical, ↑lonely, ↑long, ↑long-lived, ↑loud, ↑low, ↑loyal, ↑lucky, ↑lucrative, ↑luxurious, ↑mad, ↑marked, ↑marketable, ↑masculine, ↑mature, ↑mean, ↑mellow, ↑memorable, ↑menacing, ↑mild, ↑militant, ↑minor, ↑miserable, ↑misleading, ↑mixed, ↑mobile, ↑modest, ↑motivated, ↑muddled, ↑muddy, ↑mundane, ↑muted, ↑naive, ↑narrow, ↑nasty, ↑neat, ↑negative, ↑nervous, ↑nice, ↑noisy, ↑noticeable, ↑novel, ↑nutritious, ↑obscure, ↑observant, ↑obvious, ↑odd, ↑off-putting, ↑offensive, ↑oily, ↑old, ↑old-fashioned, ↑opaque, ↑open, ↑optimistic, ↑organized, ↑original, ↑ornate, ↑orthodox, ↑overcrowded, ↑overgrown, ↑overweight, ↑painful, ↑pale, ↑passive, ↑patchy, ↑patient, ↑patriotic, ↑patronizing, ↑peaceful, ↑peeved, ↑perceptive, ↑permissive, ↑perplexed, ↑persistent, ↑personal, ↑persuasive, ↑pertinent, ↑perverse, ↑pessimistic, ↑plain, ↑plausible, ↑pleasant, ↑pleased, ↑pleasing, ↑pleasurable, ↑poignant, ↑poisonous, ↑polite, ↑popular, ↑positive, ↑possessive, ↑potent, ↑powerful, ↑practical, ↑pragmatic, ↑precious, ↑precise, ↑predictable, ↑prejudiced, ↑preoccupied, ↑prestigious, ↑pretty, ↑privileged, ↑productive, ↑professional, ↑proficient, ↑profitable, ↑prolific, ↑prolonged, ↑prominent, ↑promising, ↑prone, ↑pronounced, ↑prosperous, ↑proud, ↑provocative, ↑puzzled, ↑questionable, ↑quick, ↑quiet, ↑radical, ↑rapid, ↑rare, ↑reactionary, ↑readable, ↑realistic, ↑reasonable, ↑reassuring, ↑refreshing, ↑regrettable, ↑relaxed, ↑relevant, ↑reliable, ↑relieved, ↑religious, ↑reluctant, ↑remote, ↑repellent, ↑repetitive, ↑repressed, ↑repulsive, ↑reputable, ↑resentful, ↑reserved, ↑resilient, ↑resistant, ↑resourceful, ↑respectable, ↑responsible, ↑responsive, ↑restrained, ↑restricted, ↑restrictive, ↑revealing, ↑rewarding, ↑rich, ↑rigid, ↑risky, ↑romantic, ↑rude, ↑rural, ↑sad, ↑safe, ↑sarcastic, ↑satisfied, ↑satisfying, ↑scarce, ↑scared, ↑sceptical, ↑secretive, ↑secure, ↑seductive, ↑selective, ↑self-conscious, ↑self-contained, ↑selfish, ↑sensible, ↑sensitive, ↑serious, ↑severe, ↑sexy, ↑shaken, ↑shaky, ↑shallow, ↑sharp, ↑shocked, ↑shocking, ↑short, ↑shy, ↑sick, ↑significant, ↑silly, ↑similar, ↑simple, ↑simplistic, ↑sincere, ↑sinister, ↑skilful, ↑skilled, ↑skinny, ↑slack, ↑sleepy, ↑slender, ↑slight, ↑slim, ↑slippery, ↑slow, ↑small, ↑smart, ↑smooth, ↑smug, ↑soft, ↑solemn, ↑solid, ↑sombre, ↑sophisticated, ↑sorry, ↑sound, ↑sour, ↑spacious, ↑spicy, ↑stable, ↑staid, ↑stale, ↑startled, ↑steady, ↑steep, ↑sticky, ↑stiff, ↑stimulating, ↑straightforward, ↑strained, ↑strange, ↑stressed, ↑stressful, ↑striking, ↑strong, ↑stupid, ↑subdued, ↑subjective, ↑subtle, ↑successful, ↑suggestive, ↑superficial, ↑supple, ↑supportive, ↑surprised, ↑surprising, ↑susceptible, ↑suspect, ↑suspicious, ↑sweaty, ↑sweet, ↑swift, ↑swollen, ↑sympathetic, ↑talented, ↑tall, ↑tame, ↑tasteful, ↑taxing, ↑technical, ↑tedious, ↑temperamental, ↑tender, ↑tense, ↑thankful, ↑thick, ↑thin, ↑threadbare, ↑threatening, ↑tidy, ↑tight, ↑tiny, ↑tired, ↑tolerant, ↑touched, ↑tough, ↑toxic, ↑traditional, ↑tranquil, ↑traumatic, ↑treacherous, ↑trivial, ↑troubled, ↑typical, ↑ugly, ↑unbalanced, ↑uncertain, ↑uncomfortable, ↑uncommon, ↑undesirable, ↑undignified, ↑uneasy, ↑unfair, ↑unfortunate, ↑unfriendly, ↑unhappy, ↑uninhibited, ↑unlikely, ↑unlucky, ↑unnatural, ↑unorthodox, ↑unpleasant, ↑unpopular, ↑unreasonable, ↑unstable, ↑unsuitable, ↑unsure, ↑untidy, ↑unusual, ↑unwell, ↑up to date, ↑upset, ↑uptight, ↑urgent, ↑useful, ↑vague, ↑valid, ↑valuable, ↑variable, ↑varied, ↑versatile, ↑viable, ↑vicious, ↑vigilant, ↑vigorous, ↑violent, ↑vivid, ↑vocal, ↑volatile, ↑vulnerable, ↑warm, ↑wary, ↑weak, ↑wealthy, ↑weary, ↑weird, ↑welcome, ↑wet, ↑white, ↑wide, ↑widespread, ↑wild, ↑worried, ↑worrying, ↑worthwhile, ↑wrinkled, ↑young

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • extremely — 1530s, from EXTREME (Cf. extreme) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Originally with great severity, later more loosely, in extreme degree (1570s) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • extremely */*/*/ — UK [ɪkˈstriːmlɪ] / US [ɪkˈstrɪmlɪ] adverb very: used for emphasizing an adjective or adverb He knows the area extremely well. It is extremely important to record everything that happens. These negotiations will be extremely difficult for the… …   English dictionary

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