
1 recently built/made
be, look

The car still looks new.

brand, spanking

a scratch on my brand new car

very proud of their spanking new kitchen

fairly, relatively
2 different/not familiar

These ideas are not entirely new.

completely, entirely, quite, wholly
dramatically, radically
genuinely, truly

genuinely new approaches to data recording

hardly, not exactly

City-based exhibitions are hardly new.


It was all very new and strange to me.

She's still quite new to the job and needs a lot of help.

nothing new about sth, nothing new in sth

There is nothing new in teenagers wanting to change the world.

New is used with these nouns: ↑acquaintance, ↑acquisition, ↑addition, ↑album, ↑allegation, ↑appointment, ↑appreciation, ↑approach, ↑arrangement, ↑arrival, ↑baby, ↑bandage, ↑batch, ↑beginning, ↑believer, ↑biography, ↑blueprint, ↑book, ↑boyfriend, ↑brand, ↑breakthrough, ↑breed, ↑bride, ↑building, ↑business, ↑car, ↑century, ↑chairman, ↑challenge, ↑civilization, ↑client, ↑clothes, ↑coat, ↑collection, ↑complexion, ↑concept, ↑conception, ↑confidence, ↑constitution, ↑construction, ↑context, ↑contract, ↑controversy, ↑convert, ↑crackdown, ↑craze, ↑currency, ↑customer, ↑cut, ↑dawn, ↑demand, ↑democracy, ↑departure, ↑design, ↑development, ↑dimension, ↑direction, ↑discipline, ↑discovery, ↑document, ↑drug, ↑economy, ↑edition, ↑election, ↑emphasis, ↑employee, ↑enthusiasm, ↑entrant, ↑environment, ↑epoch, ↑era, ↑evidence, ↑extreme, ↑eye, ↑face, ↑facet, ↑facility, ↑fad, ↑fashion, ↑father, ↑favourite, ↑feature, ↑find, ↑finding, ↑focus, ↑footing, ↑form, ↑freedom, ↑friend, ↑friendship, ↑frontier, ↑gadget, ↑generation, ↑gimmick, ↑girlfriend, ↑government, ↑graduate, ↑growth, ↑guest, ↑guideline, ↑haircut, ↑hardware, ↑height, ↑high, ↑hire, ↑home, ↑hope, ↑horizon, ↑husband, ↑idea, ↑identity, ↑impetus, ↑incarnation, ↑infection, ↑influx, ↑information, ↑initiative, ↑inmate, ↑innovation, ↑insight, ↑instruction, ↑intake, ↑invention, ↑investment, ↑job, ↑kind, ↑knowledge, ↑lead, ↑leaf, ↑legislation, ↑line, ↑look, ↑low, ↑magazine, ↑mandate, ↑method, ↑model, ↑moon, ↑mother, ↑motto, ↑move, ↑mum, ↑mythology, ↑nation, ↑neighbour, ↑novel, ↑obsession, ↑occurrence, ↑offering, ↑opening, ↑openness, ↑opportunity, ↑order, ↑orthodoxy, ↑outbreak, ↑outfit, ↑owner, ↑ownership, ↑page, ↑paragraph, ↑parent, ↑parliament, ↑perspective, ↑phase, ↑phenomenon, ↑plan, ↑position, ↑possibility, ↑post, ↑posting, ↑potato, ↑precedent, ↑premises, ↑procedure, ↑project, ↑prospect, ↑publication, ↑range, ↑realm, ↑recipe, ↑record, ↑recording, ↑recruit, ↑reform, ↑regime, ↑regulation, ↑release, ↑religion, ↑report, ↑republic, ↑research, ↑residence, ↑respect, ↑restriction, ↑revelation, ↑rival, ↑road, ↑round, ↑rule, ↑ruler, ↑self, ↑self-confidence, ↑series, ↑shoot, ↑shopping centre, ↑single, ↑skill, ↑skyscraper, ↑slant, ↑slogan, ↑sneaker, ↑snow, ↑snowfall, ↑society, ↑sound, ↑source, ↑species, ↑spin, ↑standard, ↑start, ↑stock, ↑strain, ↑study, ↑style, ↑submission, ↑subscriber, ↑subscription, ↑surge, ↑surroundings, ↑system, ↑tack, ↑talent, ↑target, ↑technique, ↑technology, ↑terminology, ↑territory, ↑theory, ↑thinking, ↑threat, ↑title, ↑tool, ↑town, ↑toy, ↑trainee, ↑trend, ↑turn, ↑twist, ↑university, ↑urgency, ↑use, ↑variety, ↑venture, ↑version, ↑vigour, ↑vocabulary, ↑voter, ↑wardrobe, ↑wave, ↑way, ↑wealth, ↑well, ↑wife, ↑wine, ↑world, ↑year

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • New — (n[=u]), a. [Compar. {Newer} (n[=u] [ e]r); superl. {Newest}.] [OE. OE. newe, AS. niwe, neowe; akin to D. nieuw, OS. niwi, OHG. niuwi, G. neu, Icel. n[=y]r, Dan. & Sw. ny, Goth. niujis, Lith. naujas, Russ. novuii, Ir. nua, nuadh, Gael. nuadh, W.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New (C++) — В языке программирования C++, new оператор, обеспечивающий выделение динамической памяти в куче. За исключением формы, называемой «размещающей формой new», new пытается выделить достаточно памяти в куче для размещения новых данных и, в случае… …   Википедия

  • New — «New» Sencillo de No Doubt del álbum Retourn Of Saturn Formato CD Single Grabación 1999 Género(s) New Wave Duración 3:04 …   Wikipedia Español

  • New I/O — New I/O, usually called NIO, is a collection of Java programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations. It was introduced with the J2SE 1.4 release of Java by Sun Microsystems to complement an existing standard I/O. NIO… …   Wikipedia

  • New — (n[=u]), adv. Newly; recently. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Note: New is much used in composition, adverbially, in the sense of newly, recently, to qualify other words, as in new born, new formed, new found, new mown. [1913 Webster] {Of new}, anew.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New FM — City of license Newcastle Slogan Hottest Songs from the 80 s, 90 s and Today Frequency 105.3 MHz First air date 6 May 1989 ( …   Wikipedia

  • NEW — ist: das IATA Kürzel für den New Orleans Lakefront Airport das Kfz Kennzeichen des Landkreises Neustadt an der Waldnaab new ist: das Kürzel für die Sprache Newari nach ISO 639 2 New ist ein englischer Familienname. Harry S. New (1858–1937), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • New — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. NEW, sigle composé des trois lettres N, E et W, peut faire référence à : Lakefront Airport, un aéroport régional de la Nouvelle Orléans en Louisiane …   Wikipédia en Français

  • New — New, v. t. & i. To make new; to renew. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New TV — est une chaîne de télévision fondée par Tahsin Khayat. Elle se situe à Beyrouth, spécifiquement à la Mazraa . Son service politique est dirigé par la journaliste Maria Maalouf …   Wikipédia en Français

  • New — (engl., spr. Njuh), neu. Alle damit zusammengesetzten englischen geographischen Artikel, die sich hier nicht finden, s.u. Neu …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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